What are y'all up to in california?!?

That is very true. There’s some weird stuff going on… Florida’s got leprosy. California has the valley virus. Makes you wonder if you look it up. @Foreigner people are freaks. They can’t even kill foot fungus. But they gonna come up with all these diseases and viruses.
Let’s go back to the Vietnam days and just put a shit on the stick. Next thing we’re gonna have the bugs that put a parasite in your brain.


There’s all kinds of crazy stuff like that, some of it natural.

There’s still bubonic plague in places like New Mexico because of ground squirrels. A handful of people, mostly campers, get it every year.

And Hanta virus too but it pops up under certain conditions.


A child a few years ago I was reading about. Was playing in the backyard. Got some raccoon poop under its fingernail. It had a parasite. Went straight to the babies brain. It’s crazy how fragile we are.


I’m not surprised by the discover, but by the location. Not the best one to cut R&D costs, or i miss how much California is now such a part of the third world lol

Look frightening (it’s legit) but reduced to the mind of biotech freaks, it can be just an array of tests to validate a new protein vector or something as ridiculous than this. Not even to work directly on the pathologies.

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Yeah raccoons are gross. People think they are so cute but I find them disgusting.

Nature can kill you in 1000 ways.