What are you watching? (TV & Movies)

I watched her recently in A Mighty Wind. I love Christopher Guest’s films, and she’s in a bunch of them.

I was traveling and on the trip out I watched This Is Spinal Tap. A Mighty Wind, filmed 20 years later, was my entertainment on the flight home. It features the same players as a folk band. Lots of great jokes and music throughout the film…


Funny, I just thought of A Mighty Wind yesterday while listening to the radio (a song came on that I presumed was probably Ian and Sylvia).

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Check out Mascots!

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Monday morning first thing after making coffee movie today is:


I dunno about that… I wanted to like For Your Consideration but found it a bit of a slog. Funny concept, didn’t quite work as a full length movie.

Funny enough you just brought up what I feel is his weakest mockumetary!
His worst film is:


Ha, I don’t think I knew he made that… caught a few minutes of it on TV once, and quickly changed to something else.

Good movie…

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I like movies that make me say HOLY SHIT! Out loud.
But I have not found anything lately. Any suggestions? Blood and gore are great. Story that really freaks me is good too.

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You’ve watched Sisu already I assume?

A supernatural horror-thriller, The Deep House was “properly upsetting”.

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Not yet. Waiting for it to show up on Netflix or Tubi or Prime.
I watched one the other day called Blood and Gold. A few good scenes. I think its a SISU knockoff. Mostly disappointing.

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Ill be checking that one out. Thanks.
I love a good horror film. I despise shitty ones.

It reminded me of those surprise horrors that are damn well done but direct to video or cinemax/HBO from the 90’s!

Thanks for the suggestion, will check it out. Always looking for good horror stuff. Tubi has a lot of great horror stuff, you can really go deep down the rabbit hole with the b movies on there lol I discovered something called evil bong and there’s like 9 of them plus offshoots like the gingerbread man and other weird shit. Lots of the old giallos too.

Just watched the priests exorcist last night. I’m not really big on these types of movies but it wasn’t bad. Made it to the end at least lol


The Deep House is so lovecraft I can’t even. :crazy_face:

Even better then! Huge lovecraft/ligotti etc. fan here

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Love the old Italian horror. Argento is king. Bava, D’amato, etc. All cool
Tubi does have lots of old obscure Cult Classics. Love that channel.