What are you watching? (TV & Movies)

So weird.

And what about this one?


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Watched this first the first time. Was fun.

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Then I watched sg1 for hours. Holy hell it’ll never get old. Unless them damn replicators got a show :rofl:

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That’s funny. I literally just watched that for the first time also. Well, a few months back. :+1:t2:

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LOVE Under the Skin!

James Wan’s work has been hit and miss with me but i generally enjoy. (Except aquaman. Fuck that noise).

Thanks for suggesting Malignant @blowdout2269 will check it out. :v:

Everytime I watch anything Stargate I think of Seders… cause my best friend Seder dinner is “SederGate: An Ancient Astronaut Approach to the Story of Passover”

It’s also only 2hrs20min long as that’s how long the DIR Cut of Stargate runs and it’s playing in the background during the event. :ok_hand:


I have not slept more than 1hr due to the heatwave and ourbedroom reaching 28c. by sundown with it only cooling off to 25c by midnight. Yes we have AC and it’s doing it’s best but clearly it’s not good enough. :man_shrugging:

So today is a mental health day where I’m gonna hide in the basement with the animals and TRY TO SLEEP.

Gonna put on these back-to-back in the background as napping movies with a twist if you think of them as being in the same “universe” where:

Ferris Bueller grew up, had kids and although he ended up as sad and miserable limo driver for a Russian mobster… he using the wit from his youth ends up saving his family, surviving the end of the world and all while side-hustling as a novelist.


Might aswell throw on The Cable Guy too! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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It was pretty good, too bad they didn’t make a second one. O wait 2015 I guess. :rofl: @Pigeonman that sounds like a awesome dinner setting. :plate_with_cutlery:.

Stargate rules!

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Good show…



If you can find it another great watch (better tbh) is this:

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:+1: :+1:


Never seen this oldie. Good ol Nick Cage!

And watched this also.

The rookie

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Just saw myself, with a little mental trip. I thought it was awesome. liked the backstory edit coming from og cartoon turtles and the live actions as a kid. alien ones are lame, Megan Fox eid not help the turtles.

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Yup, the first real-life one with Megan Fox handles the bad guy side of things way wrong and boring and dark and uninteresting. Turtles Forever was a great, cartoon movie thing. Basically spider verse way before spider verse.very funny. Bat Man cross-over had some laughs as well. TMNT 2007 strange mood but is decent. on the new one, the little turtles montage was adorable and extra cool cause they played a song during, 3 is the Magic Number by De-La-Soul As little kids we too used to listen to De-La.

Last night

And tonight

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Going to give back

Anyone watch naked and afraid and/or alone?..lol