What are you watching? (TV & Movies)

It’s actually pretty bad though…. :-1:t3::-1:t3:


Watched this last night.
Also pretty bad, lol.

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I’ve watched the first 3 episodes of Scavengers Reign twice now! It’s fucking incredible. World creation that I haven’t seen maybe ever; the storytelling is both exciting and subtle, and the animation is understated, but magnificent. @Pigeonman I feel like this is one you would enjoy, if you’re into animation.


You like films that you can’t seem to get out of your head for a while???
There’s one on netflix right now called Apostle. I consider this a great watch. Great story. Some gruesome scenes. And you won’t forget it for a while.

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Latest Rick & Morty episode “The Jerrick Trap,” was very good. bit of a surprise considering the objective general decline of the series and the recent replacement of the main voice actor/ co creator. I did not expect it to be but it was.
South Parks latest " The Pander-verse" also very very good.

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I also watched the new Fraiser. Started off fine by the fourth episode I was out. You may like it, all of it.

My older daughter has been obsessed with FNAF for years. Exciting times.

It was a joke that ended up taking off into brilliance!

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Checking it out!

Mayhap I suggest:


Alas, I don’t have access to Netflix. Next time I house sit for somebody who does, I will! :grinning:

This weekends lineup. Hope to squeeze in a couple more before back to the work week.

This one was wild. Took me a second to catch on, lol.

I thought this was a pretty good slasher flick.
@Pigeonman, you seen this?

Or this? This one’s good, but fucked up.

Then a good ol Scorsese film last night. Seen several times. :+1:


The Perfect Host… took your suggestion, just watched it. Kinda of a Mind Fuck. I enjoyed it.
Curious did this thought cross you mind after watching it? That is why we never actually did see Maris Crane. lol

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Yes, it definitely crossed my mind!
And yeah, quite the mind fuck, lol.

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Edgerunners was good. I feel like they rushed the story a bit. Could’ve easily been twice as long but I get it, animation is a lot of work

Incredible just how low humans will sink for money .

Stupid long , good acting , interesting story