right after Out of Furnace I watched
not bad at all.
never saw Predestination, the reviews look cool.
right after Out of Furnace I watched
Honestly not real into the Scott Pilgrim/Miles Morales overproduced jumpcut attention damaged style of animation where they use just enough frames per second to make me think my internet is lagging.
It somehow looks overdone and cutrate at the same time, like a stable diffusion rotoscope.
I think it being cheaper than a full frame rate is the real reason it’s used, and I hope it falls back out of fashion anyway.
As a guy from Toronto around the same age as the guy that wrote Scott Pilgrim, the style is perfect for the medium presented.
Bill Pope nailed the shooting of “vs the world” by making it a living Anime meets manga, and the same goes for this variation with it’s “living manga meets cartoon”!
It’s not for everyone, but compared to other variations of themes made in the late 90s/00’s such as Cowboy Bebop which was a total fucking mess they’re nailing it like with the live action One Piece and the re-imagining of Trigun!
Was good
I’m watching Ozark and it’s kickass @anonymous4289
This was funny shit. If you don’t like charlie Chaplin it might be a little annoying but shows how fake Hollywood is.