What are you watching? (TV & Movies)

I hope you’ve watched it!!! :rofl:

@PhilCuisine I appreciate you and suggest:

Nope…but what a great name for a show!!!


Nope, I didn’t it was pretty bad from the trailer…but I did watch this and I liked it…


When you have Paul G. + the director of both Election & Sideways you are def gonna have a winner!


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Hey @Pigeonman
The wife and I went to the IMAX theatre on opening day to see Godzilla Minus One.
My god!
Honestly. A Frickin masterpiece. I’m a horror fan. Not so my monsters but this Godzilla is one Bad Mofo!
See it in a theatre if you can. The bigger the screen the better. I swear on Kong’s mortal soul. You will love it.


Duuuuuuude! This is killing me @BigMike55 as it’s in only 1x theater in my entire province!

Yes it’s in my city but it’s where all the hipsters live and i dont like going there :rofl:

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Paul Giamatti is always worth a watch, saw it two days ago.


I love him in “Gun: The Movie”

(Aka: “Shoot 'em Up”)


Damn great show…


Yes! Slow start as they did need to make it more of a character drama than kaiju fight fest but I also appreciate and love the way they are ramping everything up!

Does it get better after the first episode? The first episode was not enough to keep my interest.

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I liked Paul Giamatti in the negotiator


YES. Yes it does.

Ep 1-2 need to be watched back to back; I didn’t do this and I was thrown off too.

After this the pace feels appropriate with each episode so far as long as we remind ourselves that they gotta “salt” the redonk over a seasons worth of episodes but at a feature films scale.

As an example one of the later episodes flushes out the opening sequence of the 2014 Godzilla.

Out of all the “cinematic universes” out there the ONLY one I’ve consistently both enjoyed and theyfor followed is the Monarch based Monsterverse. In every release they make it tighter and tighter and as I’ve been a giant monster movie fan since a child I really appreciate this.

Even the cartoon Skull Island is a solid watch start to finish and really well tied into the overall storyline thus aiding in flushing out their universe! I broke it up to watching 2-3 episodes at a time to make it a miniseries more than a tv show but however you watch it you’re in for a lot of fun.

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Really this is all you needed to say.

:rofl: :+1:


S01 much better then 02.

Il take it…

However i hate how they gave diamonds brother so much air time…

They are doing the same thing they did with power.

Trying to find out what characters the audience like more I guess… for potential spin offs!

I love Junior / Flynn/ and the sister haha not gonna lie. As the actress not the character.

Hightown was awesome. Not sure if that’s being renewed…

Nothing new coming out…

Been waiting on bikeriders…delayed again until 2024…

And the iron claw comes out dec 24 I think. Looks really goood

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I couldn’t get past all the cheating in the power book 1 season 1

They were giving out posters to the people who saw it on opening day.

Notice how Godzilla is clutching the IMAX sign. COOL!!


Long but a good movie…