What are you watching? (TV & Movies)

This show is done unbelievibly well! So much cute and wholy shart the skill sets involved!!!

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A very tough subject done with dignity I liked it very much


I put this on today but turned it of as the dialogue deafened me. :roll_eyes:

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I thought it was an enjoyable movie I liked it

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last movie i bought off streaming and enjoyed was one of the tyler perry madea movies, i think madea goes to prison

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The tagline is:

A Fortress At The Edge Of Darkness. An Enemy Within That Only One Man Can Conquer! Unleash your dark side

The tagline should have been:

We said we had a budget of 25 million dollars. We spent 3.


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:boxing_glove: :calendar: :wave:

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Got 29 minutes in, couldnt take anymore, now driving me nuts, gotta see some more.


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I know it’s an old post, but I fucking loved Pete and Pete!
Watching the intro made me equal parts nostalgic for the 90’s and for Nickelodeon

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I was advised to watch a series called Ozark. Frankly speaking, I am delighted with this series. If you’ve ever watched “All in All”, then you will definitely like this series.


Greetings @ponzedepix just finished watching Ozark and it’s just super.

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Can’t find this “All in All” when was it released?

New season of FARGO and Reacher are just killing it… this Mom from FARGO who is running is one bad lady… don’t corner the tiger… lol

Reacher is pissed, face showing some age but this 6’5" monster of a man is just fun to watch… he gets even, no mad… ok, little of both maybe… hehe


Ozark… omg what a great great show… Season 1 was epic and it just kept going, almost didn’t get a season 3… some ruthless stuff goes on in that show. Biggest shocker, when that guy grabbed that cop and said, for the record I’m no fag… then grabs him and lip locks the guy and hops into bed with him… um excuse me, but yes you are… hahaha


i saw advertisements for reacher but couldn’t find it. does it happen to be on hulu or netflix?

Had to go out of my way to catch the latest/last Miyazaki animated movie… The Boy and the Heron.

I’m going to mask my comments because if people are going to see it I’d rather they see it without my commentary in mind.


There were parts I liked, but all in all it felt… unfinished? It felt like they had a bunch of ideas, but didn’t stitch it into a coherent whole. Tons of obvious visual references to earlier films, but it was woefully lacking when it came to the charming elements of Miyazaki’s earlier films. The background imagery was largely what I’d expect of a Studio Ghibli flick, but the animation was choppy looking, the people didn’t move in the same kind of deliberate studied way that people move in most of his films, and there were none of the super-detailed planes, trains, and boats that dominate almost every other SG film. Maybe it would’ve worked better as a series of vignettes, like Akira Kurosawa’s Dreams? Some of the people in it felt roughly sketched, like someone did an initial drawing and then stuck with it.

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