What are you watching? (TV & Movies)


Agree was not very good

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Damn, y’all got me now wanting to see it so much now…

Started watching Love, Death + Robots a few days ago. Last night, got super high and then sat down and turned on the episode Zima Blue.

Holy. Shit.

I had to re-watch it two more times. The visuals were spectacular. The story blew my mind. There were times when I was in awe and others when I was uncomfortably laughing at the ridiculousness of it all. For a ten minute long episode, it packed in a lot.


Another snowstorm friday :man_facepalming:

So I wake up to :skull_and_crossbones: :ship: .

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Saw “Cocaine Bear” with one of my kids over the weekend. It was about as dumb as a person would expect, but all-in-all enjoyable.


Incident in a Ghostland. Incredibly creepy.

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Written and Directed by a French man? I don’t doubt it!

Does it pair well with “Haute Tension”?

Not quite to that level, but it’s up there.

That just went on the list! Trailer looks good.

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The missus is awoke and had a nightmare about our :parrot: .

So he got some surprise morning millet from Mum and now it’s back-to-back classic comedy until I leave for work:

Pretty damn good so far

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Watched a movie last night called


I thought it was good and interesting and good plot twists


A midnight gospel

For the third time :smile:

It speaks to me. Especially if you’ve had the pleasure of DMT in your life


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This is trying so hard.

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Watched Incident In Ghostland last night after @BigMike55’s suggestion and it was pretty creepy indeed. I dug it.

image Just saw this for the first time last night. All around fantastic, best movie I’ve seen in years.

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@Cannasaurusrex I really wanted to enjoy it but the editing threw me out of the story non-stop.

I got 45min in and kept loosing attention due to the sheer number of moments that the editor made me painfully aware I was watching a construction of media to the point that all the other work that went into it like costume, writing, performance, etc… was null and void.



I have it on my list of things to watch…love Idris Elba, but he’ll always be Stringer Bell to me.


Got the next 2 days off so gonna be binge watching

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