What are you watching? (TV & Movies)

Was about to post how much I liked this so far and then wondered when the new season was coming out. I had no idea it came out last month. Looks like I’ve got a binge ahead of me!

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I’m just about done season 1, so good. Wu Tang clan ain’t nothing to fuck wit! :musical_note::notes::studio_microphone::level_slider::control_knobs::headphones:


That’s a classic.



Watched “Prey For The Devil” a couple of nights ago.
Just your typical possession movie but it held my attention for the full movie. :v:

Holy hell, you just combined 2 of my favorite things, this is GOLD

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I’m about to head into trim jail, so i’m starting a movie to keep my mind occupied. Zombieland is my go to trimming movie even though i’ve seen it too many times. i love the movie but i don’t like the ending. how do you guys stay sane while trimming?


I put on movies that allow for pauses to watch but not really something you want to sit and actually watch.

Like: “The Core”, or “2012”.

@Foreigner uses “Battlefield Earth” :rofl:

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I use Top Gear mostly just listen


I was watching Why Him and I think Neighbors last time I was in trim jail. Seen both multiple times. Mostly just listening. Can’t put on something I have to actually watch, otherwise no work gets done.

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yep, i never looked up until my neck hurt and i could still follow the whole movie. finished up with 10 minutes left in the movie. 1 more plant tomorrow and then i’m done.

Last year I “watched” a lot of baseball while trimming. The 2023 season kicks off next week. I wonder how the pitch clock will affect the pace of the game. I’m sure it will still work for background entertainment, where I can lift my head every so often when something exciting happens.

The Fifth Element. Great one to have in in the background!


Just rolled a fat doink for the goodnight smoke and House :call_me_hand::call_me_hand:


I can’t watch something or I’m not paying attention to what I’m doing. This has been my go to for trimming…

I usually put on a podcast. From the Stash is a good place to go. Pigeons420 is a cool guy.
Joe Rogan podcasts are usually pretty good. I like the ones with Joey Diaz. Funniest man in America.
Also interesting is his podcasts concerning ancient civilizations and aliens.


Uncle Joey! Dude is hilarious and back in Jersey now.

Sometimes I will let Mrs Foreigner pick but I say “no doctors no nurses no lawyers no cops no superheroes no army.”

I can hear May yelling “Clarkson!!!” right now as I read this.

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