What are your rarest or oldest seeds/clones in the collection?

I’m wondering what sort of treasures folks here are willing to admit to holding in their seed vaults and mother rooms, so I’m asking what are your rarest or oldest seeds, including ones you haven’t been able to crack but are holding onto in cool/cold storage anyway because they’re too important to give up on yet?

To try and keep things flowing and civil in here, I would like to set down a ground rule or two for the topic, in line with the community guidelines for OG. Posts in this thread shouldn’t be considered as an opening for soliciting trades or gifts etc of types named here, though obviously in the OG spirit I hope some people might offer up abundant or hopeless seeds to folks here if they wish to. Along with that, this isn’t intended as a venue for soliciting rare seeds or extended discussions about trading after establishing mutual intent to trade, please take it to the DMs.

I’d especially love to see any photos or links/notes folks have of the packs or grows of things that they deem worthy of posting here, I’m hoping this can be a topic for people to post about whatever type of rare strains they hold as seeds or mothers and share information on them and their origins, and for users to connect over their shared love for preservation and certain nugs that you’ll never forget cracking open for the first time.

-Dirt Wizard


To start it off, I think the rarest ones I have are five seeds each of a 1978 Durban IBL from Alaska Cannabis Cache, and five more of a cross of it to an original Sensi Jack Herer. I bought them off of a user on THCFarmer who knew James/Heime from Alaska, old guy, salty about the son only selling feminized beans after knowing his dad’s passion for preservation in regular form. I got 20 of each and ended up distributing them to two people on here I trust in trades, one got five each and is a tissue culture guy, and the other got ten each and is a very well known breeder and preservationist. I figured that was the best way for them to make sure to be out there and maybe come back to me someday in some form as well. I’ll probably open pollinate each of the five left to make F2s and work forward from/share those when that happens.


Great topic dude, my most treasured beans are my Sour Bubble BX3 f2’s from original 2005 BX3 stock, my precious…


I’ve got a pretty large list of seeds I’m proud of. As far as older stock goes,

Pernambuco gold from BSC
Reunion haze from cryptic labs
Drunken parrot from Bodhi
Black mamba from Snowhigh
Double Zamal from USC


Nice idea on this thread. I didn’t start collecting seeds until lay 2010’s.
The rarest pack I got in the vault was one I got recently (this year or last year forgot lol), an original (half) pack of the Alien Genetics Fruit Pebble OG. I’m planning on cracking those next since they’re about 10 years old. I got it from a guy who got it from the original release. I won’t divulge his name unless I have to for verification but I know it’s legit.


I’ve for some old partial packs of some MotaRebel and Sannie stuff, some old brickweed bagseed too. No idea if it will germ though.


These Jew Gold 1974; but they are no longer just seeds as of December 18th

…the seeds were created from the clone-only version in the early 70’s and hiding in a freezer until they ended up in the hands of @CADMAN who made a few crosses with them and sent me these last 3 in hopes of a successful preservation-run.



Which now is reality! ,)


That’s a nice one to have! :+1:

Here’s some less common ones from my collection

Guatemala Quetzelita don’t even return hits on google so I guess that qualifies :joy:

Orion is an unreleased hybrid from centennial seeds. I only recall him telling me he used Texada timewarp from some BC Canucks


My ‘93 AllStar mom is a cross of two different Mexican lines that a pen pal made in the early 90’s.

The seed had been frozen since ‘98. My momma is a year or two old now. I am not sure if anyone else on Earth has a live plant of these rare genetics. I am going to try to send out a few cuttings this Spring. My dumb ass has almost lost it twice already. I need to make sure it is in more hands.


Please excuse the sidetrack [quote=“lefthandseeds, post:9, topic:98449”]
Guatemala Quetzelita don’t even return hits on google so I guess that qualifies

General info about Guatemala Quetzelita
“from what I could get from a translation site- It was collected from the Livingston area in Guatemala. Its about 14-16 weeks, aromas of wood, spice and laurel. From the pictures I saw on the CBG thread, they are a bush of long sativa colas, kind of a less symmetrical Columbian christmas tree. Also green leaves with lavender colored buds.The name phrase ‘like Maria, but stronger’ was used.”

“Some pictures at 7th week 12/12. Very branchy plants, full of flowers”

“…had to snap the mainstems and bound them as they reached the max. height of 1.60m in my tent easily when growing 12/12 from seed.
pretty vigorous plants with lots of thin and long lateral branches. huge sativa beautys, i really enjoy growing them!”

One more
" I chopped these GQ ladies on July 2, planted late Oct. (S. hemi). I got 5 ladies from 5 seeds. All were quite uniform and they produced high-volume/low density flowers that are turpentine smelling. They showed great outdoor resistance, except for very low resistance to caterpillars in late flower, as you can see resulting in loss of buds in all but one lady."

There’s plenty more too :pray:

Annnd, my rarest has to be the 1993 skunk line, acquired through a series of unfortunate events, I was given these for being humble, helpful but also a bad mofo :upside_down_face:


:raised_hands: thank you so much for finding this!


GrapeLime Ricky is probably the rarest in my stash.


I’ve got a pack of soma lavender, and a pack of snowhighs 74 punta roja oaxacan

Other than that, everything in my seed vault is pretty ordinary. :roll_eyes:


Not a sidetrack at all, that’s a great find! I hope that happens a lot here where someone has something rare and limited or no info and they get more by showing their gems off to the community! That description makes your knees shake that’s a very Spanish way of putting it.

On a different note, damn, translation engines are amazing now for digging into European and other forums for breeder info that might never have made it into English, I’m trying to find a good search engine that searches all languages, or a trick for Google to make it do so.

@lefthandseeds holy shit dude, with the Zipolite Mexican in the photo before, this is a hell of a rare Bodhi stash, Jungle Spice and pure Apollo 11 F4 is enough, but the RM Nigerian is one of the rarest, I believe:


I don’t have anything truly old, and probably don’t have much that’s rare. But probably the most desirable in my seed fridge might be:


  • Sunshine Daydream (3 packs - 1 green, 2 purple)
  • Wish Mountain (Afkansastan x Appalachia)
  • Kinky Temple (Ray Davies C99 x Temple)

Doc D

  • Dragon Energy - F1. Also have a pack of F2s
  • Lizard Wizard (Jack Herer x [Hollywood Pure Kush x Uzbekistani HP])

Idk if they’re actually any good in terms of cheese, various Kaliman cheese from the 90s

I got gifted them but I’ve been busy with other seeds so I’ve not tried to germinate any yet.


That’s a great idea. I wish I had that foresight with a couple things


One of my Rarest Genetics is Jew Gold 1974, the Genetics was in a deep freezer of my friend since 1974 hence the name and @Pigeonman is about to embark on a wonderful Preservation of the genetics for our loved OG’ERS …

Other strains I’ve created or co-created using the same Jew Gold 1974 Genetics are:
Kosher Daddy & Poison Daddy strains.


That’s the first thing that caught my eye. :fire::fire::fire: