What are your thoughts on fox farm soil

Hey everyone new topic need to know is fox farm soil any good any info would be really appreciate. Im using miracle grow moisture control potting mix on my outdoor grow not that impressed with the soil and before i pay $35 to $45 a bag i would like to know its worth it or not for my soon to be indoor grow.

I prefer roots organics. But fox farm is good soil. You planning the happy frog or ocean forest ? And do you plan to feed. Like a hydroponic solution? Cause the soils can be a little hot when you feed on top at first. I usually buy a brick or 2of coco. And big bag perelite.
1 x 1.5 cuft or bigger good soil
1-2 5kg bricks coco
Big bag perelite. Larger chunk the better.
Worm castings little bag walmart good
Microbes like recharge
Thats usually close to what i start with. This time i added charcoal

Usually my goal is to weaken the soil slightly and add tons of volume and aeration then i hit hard with microbes in veg
Im no pro though and i feed bottled nutes.


Hi rooted thank you for all the info on everything so far i was looking at fox farm ocean forest. I’ve been using Alaskan fish fertiliser all organic on my outdoor grow seems to work very well. Back in the day i used to use peters plant food that worked well to but organic is the way to go

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if you can(time, place, $), mix your own & save a lot of $.
if promix is 1/2 perlite & perlite bales are cheap, then do the math. :wink:

and wear a dust mask. i should but haven;t much. :blush:



I would not use anything with the word miracle on the product. It’s all made by Monsanto. The people who poison us with GM food and destroy the environment with their pesticides and herbicides.

Roots organics are owned bye them as well.

Fox farms is good, why not save money and make your own that will get better the more you use it. Check out the clakamas coot recipe for no till organic gardening. It’s such an easy way to grow.


What size are those bags? :dizzy_face:

That is not true…
Scotts Miracle Gro has a partnership (agent) to distribute and market Roundup, which is made by Monsanto.
Monsanto is owned by Bayer.
They are two separate and distinct companies.


To this day I have no idea why Bayer took on this company with all the negativity associated with Monsanto I won’t support either or their affiliations if I can’t help it!


Well, they thought it would make 'em oodles of money.
It now appears to be a giant, rotting albatross around Bayer’s neck.

I do not like any “soils” with nutrients added.


You are correct Calyxander, they are not the same companies, making the products, but they are all in bed together making money from it lol.

Pretty much a change in name only, between monsanto and bayer. A lot of monsanto execs still have their jobs doing what they did for monsanto.

I believe it was done so monsanto could try and avoid law suits, and move monsanto assets out of US jurisdiction, and get their products re branded, as their European sales have slumped. A lot of monsanto products are banned in a lot of EU countries now. Bayer being German would be the the best option, to put pressure on the European union to allow re sale.

Monsanto Chief Operating Officer Brett Begemann will continue in that role with Bayer after the merger, heading up the commercial operations of the crop division.

Other members of the leaderhip team include:

• Dr. Michael Stern will become Head of Digital Farming / Climate Corporation. He currently serves as the Chief Executive Officer of Monsanto’s Climate Corporation. Stern will be based in St. Louis.

• Dr. Robert Reiter will be Head of Research & Development. He is the current Technology Integration Planning Lead at Monsanto. He will be based in Monheim.

. Jesus Madrazo will become Head of Agricultural Affairs & Sustainability. Currently, he is responsible for Global Supply Chain and Commercial Operations at Monsanto. Madrazo will be based in Monheim.

• James Swanson will become Crop Science Chief Information Officer and Head of IT / Digital Transformation. He currently serves as Chief Information Officer at Monsanto. He will be based in Monheim.

Not a lot has changed really.

A lot of growers don’t know about the change of ownership, so just putting it out there, buying their products, only helps their ideology and business. Better knowledge = better choices, If people want to buy it, that’s fine, I just like them to have an informed choice. I will be more careful with my choice of words in future :slight_smile:

Edit… Fun fact, did you know monsanto has the biggest private army in the world?


Im getting 5 gallon clothpots


Bigger the pots, the better the PH buffering is and water PH is not as critical. If you’re going with an organic soil medium, 10gal pots are better for your root zone management, and need less amendments in the long run, not so good for yopur back, when you have to move a wet one lol. So less chance of getting deficiencies half way through flowering when they are in the stretch, which is where I was constantly getting them, when I used 5 gal pots.


Started reading through this post and listened to this one today thought it would help in determining good potting mixes!


To your question allotment those fox farm ocean forest potting soil are 1.5 cu ft and there $35 on Amazon free shipping lmao

I use organic soil. I’m an outdoor grower. If I was indoor, I would probably take advantage of a soilless mix or coco and bottled nutes for best results, but that’s just me.

btw… don’t use any extra nutrients for at least 3 weeks if you use bag soil of any type. take the rest of that miracle gro and put some flowers in it. Fox farms is better for cannabis.


I think something worth mentioning is before Bayer acquired Monsanto, they were competitors. Many of the pesticides Bayer produces or produced before the acquisition were similar chemicals to what Monsanto was producing. People just associatee Bayer more w pharmaceuticals. I think the reputation associated w bayers name was a big driver for Monsanto to do the deal. Or moreso the non-negative reputation or perception that Bayer is a much different company. Many of the really nasty broad spectrum insecticides are Bayer products.

Pretty darn sure Bayer produces generic glyphosate or glyphosate under a different name as round up- same chemical just different name.


I think both companies use ex Nazi scientists from WW2 lol.

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I think theres a PAS with lime in it already, i personally use FF soil along with FloraNova because FN is ph buffered (so i just add municipal and FN and everything evens out to 7PH…)

i think the PAS is Fox Farms, but there’s some other one, i think i bought it at the hydro store