What do stoners eat? šŸ“ (Part 2)

I think about it as the ease with which you can consume the sugar. Sugar vs fibre is a good one.

Itā€™s hard to eat 12 apples but easy to drink a litre of apple juice and get the same sugars.

I donā€™t particularly like sugar. I can feel it burning in my veins.


Never thought I would see the words CrossFit and Health side by side :rofl:

About the liver, isnā€™t there a benefit to the fibers in raw fruit slowing down sugar absorbtion?

I read something great about berries and blood pressure which mentioned exactly what I just so inelegantly stated, with raspberries specifically slowing or reducing sugar absorption. Of course I canā€™t find the article in my history but hereā€™s something related.

Forgive me if Iā€™m out of my league, nutrition isnā€™t my strong point.


Cheers for the info @Gizmo Iā€™ll definitely research more. Iā€™m just a humble chef and unfortunately nutrition isnā€™t included in the culinary curriculum.

Just so Iā€™m understanding you correctly, you are saying if I squeeze a bunch of oranges or any fruit for that matter and add nothing to it ie: processed sugars or sweetners that the natural sugars that are already in the fruit are not healthy for human consumption? If thatā€™s what you are saying I find that hard to wrap my head around. Seems like questioning nature to me.

Thereā€™s nothing confusing about the negative effects of processed sugars but I find it hard to believe that natural sugars found in vegetables and fruits that are grown organically in your yard are unhealthy for regular human consumption.

But like I said earlier Iā€™m no nutrition expert. I know @Shadey is very conscious of his diet. Whatā€™s your insight here mate?


This is my downfall when it comes to carbs, I ate a cube of brownie before I came out for bucket dayā€¦itā€™s my party day and only party 2 maybe 3 times a weekā€¦I only eat a cube and smoke weed when Iā€™m partyingā€¦



Surprisingly not bad, but not finger lickinā€™ good.

They taste like All Dressed chips but without the vinegar (My sympathies to those of you south of the border who might not have All Dressed).


I agree with everything @Gizmo is advising and itā€™s the same diet I am using, plus I do the intermittent and long fasting.

It helps to boost mitochondrial un coupling along with certain foods, like sheep or goat dairy, a lot of MCT and Organic EVO oil, spicey curries, coloured veggies and fermented food and drinks.

Mitochondria are responsible for creating brown fat, which is used to burn the white fat in the body. Mitochondria will burn white fat cell calories for the fun of it, you donā€™t need to exercise once you get a good level in the body.

Ketones are not just an energy source for when we are low in carbs, itā€™s also a signal to the mitochondria to un couple as ketone production is also a sign that the body could be dying from starvation.

We have a symbiotic relatonship with mitochondrial bacteria, they are actually in our dna, so if they think their host is dying they will un couple and multiply to try and survive the problem the body is experiencing, and in doing so increasing our health so that can survive as well.

Studies show that people with high mitochondrial and brown fat evels live vastly longer and healthier lives, you can actually reverse the aging process if done right.

It only took me 6 months to turn my base metabolic rate around, lose 80lbs and become fat adapted, so my body will burn carbs as soon as they are eaten, instead of going straight to storage when converted to fats. What I did was a bit extreme but it worked out ok once I spaced out the long fasts more.

Overall I have lost 108lbs, and have been a steady 204lbs since Feb this year and can indulge in a carb blowout now and again, but I always add extra fats when I do as well, to slow blood glucose release, which lowers the insulin and inflammation response.

I donā€™t gain weight but I do notice the increase in pain and inflammation when I do, especially with refined carbs, foods made with wheat flour and drinking beer are the worst .

I only eat berries, mostly raspberries a cup full a day, because of the info above Gizmo provided, occasionally strawberries and blueberries for a change.

No fruit really, fructose is not good even if it doesnā€™t come from corn. Fruit eaten with all its fiber is better but you liver and pancreas will still be working hard to deal with the fructose and the inflammation it causes.

Drinking juice is not good, slightly better if you make it yourself from fruit, as it at least still contains enzymes, terpenes, polyphenols and benificial bacteria that get destroyed when being pasturized and processed, to go into carton and sit on a shelf until itā€™s bought.

Just because something contains a lot of benificial vits and minerals, doesnā€™t always mean itā€™s good for you, if it creates a big inflammatory response in your arteries and blood vessels you will not get much benefit from it in the long run.

Itā€™s getting a good balance between nutrition and reducing the inflammation in the body caused by what your putting in it, is the key. Cook everything from scratch, use lots of healthy fats and fiber.

I go through 1kilo of walnuts as well as 700g of Brazil nuts. Half a liter of evoo, as well as 21 table spoons of MCT oil, 14 table spoons of flax seed oil, 800g of goat cheese, 3 liters of full fat natural yoghurt, 600ml of 35% whipping cream and 500g of 87% organic dark chocolate, 6 to 12 eggs plus cruciferous veggies, salads and the occaisional veggy burger and cauliflower crust pizza a week.

It took my gall bladder a while to adjust to procesding all the fat but now itā€™s firing on all cylinders lol.

I donā€™t exercise but I am wanting to start once we move house, as my pain and inflammation has decreased to a very low level now.

Cooked cold potatoes, which may include chips, but not 100% sure on the chips, especially if they are cooked in some unheathy oil, can be a great prebiotic and reduce blood glocose release like the raspberries.

Also bread once frozen and then toasted is similar in its low glucose release, but you have to deal with the leaky gut syndrome from grains, which are now being linked to autoimmune brain problems, like parkinsons, MS and altzimers, from bacteria passing through the blood gut barrier and piggy backing into the brain on the blood glucose.

The cold temperatures cause the short chain sugars to reconnect and become extremely long chain sugars, which the gut bacteria find hard to deal with, so they multiply in huge numbers which is very benificial to the gut and digestion.

If you just load up with probiotics and no prebiotic foods the bacteria will just starve to death very quickly and be a waste of time to keep adding into your diet.

Well thatā€™s my $1,000,000 worth, I donā€™t have 10 cents :wink: I hope that makes sense and answers your question itā€™s a bit rambling.


Thank you @Shadey very thorough and informative as always. Thereā€™s a lot to ā€œdigestā€ thereā€¦ mind the pun haha. I try to eat a balanced organic diet with good fresh produce but never really looked much further than that. We never buy soda or chips or anything highly processed but I guess itā€™s more about what you eat instead of what you shouldnā€™t eat. A more direct diet with intent. I eat cheese but dairy fats donā€™t feel amazing in my body. Thereā€™s also obviously the factor every one is slightly different. In Scandinavia for example they nearly always eat a type of berry with their meats like lingonberries because apparently their natural sugar levels are lower from living so far north and in a colder climate. So I feel environment and genetics plays a big part too.

ā€œAll I know is that I donā€™t know nothingā€


Ja, sure. Yummy!


I knew @Shadey would chime in sooner or later, when it comes to healthy eating heā€™s my go to man to askā€¦hereā€™s some unbreaded air fried smelts folksā€¦


Marinated Tofu ā€œsteaksā€



$7 special at every eating place in the hospital today. Went with a personal pizza and homemade chips with a drink.


Pescaito Frito!!!



We make Tofu Fries, scrambled tofu with turmeric and veggies, and have used marinated tofu in stir fryā€¦ people do not ā€˜get itā€™ until they try it!


ā€¦and they are serving thatā€¦ ā€¦ at a hospitalā€¦

I wonder what the dietitian had to sayā€¦ :rofl: :vulcan_salute:





70ā€™s Tupperware
Mixed veg cous cous
Catfish nuggets
Bon appetite


Super versatile, also amazing in Tacos and BƔnh Mi :fire:


The red one taste like cherry coke extra cherry

The Blu one was definitely made with some animal gland secretionsā€¦ both are incredibly horribly chewy like Iā€™d imagine hard boiled eyeballs would be lol


Tofu on rye, except I used a black forest ham based tofu substitute. Not badā€¦


My kitchen rapper name is 2POT


Signature dish - MACaveli and Cheese
