What do stoners eat? šŸ“ (Part 2)


Thanks for this info @Shadey ! I use this all the time but now know to spray in areas well away from where our feral cats tread outdoors.

Iā€™m going to plant a catnip patch AWAY from the Cannabis ā€œfieldsā€ this year as weā€™ve installed feral shelters and the kittehs are here to stay.

Someone I know told me that they grow catnip a few weeks prior to the popping of beans as IF the cats get interested in the seedlings theyā€™ll find the catnip and get to high to bother with the cannabis :rofl:

At Richterā€™s herbs their ā€œbarn catā€ is always asleep in the catnip section of the greenhouse during the day!! :heart:


Thank you, that is good advice! :slightly_smiling_face:

I only spray currently with straight water, I havenā€™t gotten into other foliar feeding methods. :+1:t2:

I also, stay away from using Swiffer products on my floors for the same reasonā€¦the wet stuff isnā€™t good for animals to get on their paws because they lick it off and it causes harmful effects.


vinegar = our cleaning product of choice.
ALSO great for making pickles!
Tomato saucesā€¦ DONAIR SAUCE!

Iā€™m making donairs nowā€¦


Wonderful for soooo many things!

Love it! :heart_eyes:

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Itā€™s not fat that is the problem its sugar and refined carbs. Most of my diet calories the last 10 months has been 65% fats 30% protein and 5% carbs and I have now lost 104 lbs in that time, in fact I have had to eat more to slow the weight coming off down. So long as itā€™s healthy fats like organic grass fed Butter, Whipping ceam, EVOO, Coconut, MCT or Avacado oil. Stay away from vegetable fat. Keep as much of anything with refined carbs or sugar out of your diet.


@KanehB , @Shadey knows their shit about the human meat machine. He gave me some advice and Iā€™ve stuck to it the past several months and feel a shit-tonne better for it :heart: :fist: :pray:


Supper last night was a Panneer Mutta curry with extra fried panneer cheese on top as well as unfried chunks in it.


Have you got a good replacement for refined sugar?

Thatā€™s a major crutch for me, especially in my morning coffee and afternoon tea! :relieved:

I suppose Honey would be the best eh?


I personally avoid sweeteners. The body gets that sweetness but then doesnā€™t get the associated carbs that come with that sweetness and itā€™s all downhill from there.

I went into the direction of cutting back on sugars and using raw sugars when possible. Itā€™s been working for me at least.


What you are doing is stopping the body release insulin, which it will do anytime you put carbs in your body. To slow down or reduce insulin release you consume more fats in your food.

When insulin is present your body will only store everything as fat it wonā€™t burn calories until insulin dissapates, which is during the night, if you a three meal a day or snacking person. Eating in a close time span, like all your daily calories in a 6 hour window, allows your body to be insulin free for longer periods. I eat in a 3 hour window between 4 and 7 pm.

I was a sugar addict, still am really lol. I just went cold turkey and cut sugar out from coffee. I just put about a table spoon plus of whipping cream in it instead which sweatens it up enough. Canā€™t drink normal tea anymore as that needs sugar lol.

It does restrict your diet at first until you can find suitable replacementā€™s, but the bennifits are amazing. Honey is one of those foods where the benifits outweigh the negatives so long as itā€™s raw unpasteurized honey and not with added corn syrup.


Youā€™ve given me a lot to think about and look into.

Thank you for your time and the effort it took to put that together for me, I appreciate it and the information.

I have a ā€œpartnerā€ who is an eating machine who firmly believes that I should be doing as he does, especially in light of the medications I take.

Sooooo it has been and will continue to be a juggle. :slightly_smiling_face: Iā€™m up for it thoughā€¦itā€™s a delicate balance.

Have a wonderful and blessed day. :prayer_beads:


If you want more info I can pm you some links to nutritional doctors explaining the concepts better, there are other things that come into play but what I put above is the basics.

Inflamation is the driver of all disease and Sugar, modern grains and refined carbs are the biggest imflamatory things, apart from alcohol, you can put in your body.


Please do! :slightly_smiling_face:

I donā€™t imbibe in alcohol because mixing it with my meds would be disastrous for my system. :confounded:

I look forward to getting more information on this.

Thank you. :v:t2:


Unless he bleeds out his crotch ever month for a bulk of his life AND has his own health complications he can respectfully STFU :wink:


My wife like that sheā€™s trying to cut down eating bread lol


Yeah bread and potatoes are hard to lose.



Kafta with toum :drooling_face: tabouli, mashed potatoes and haricots verts


Kids wanted to watch a movie, so I made them some snacks

They love fresh pineapple :drooling_face: