What do stoners eat? šŸ“ (Part 3)

Welcome to OG, @salmonfish! Pot leaf hopper Well, which will it be, burgers or pizza? HA!



Iā€™m cutting loose from the keto tonightā€¦grabbing a gallon of iced cream and that 5 pound jar of reeses peanut butter and gonna go to work!!!
Not sure what to have for supper thoughā€¦might go overkill and just get one of those fancy big mac meals or somethingā€¦but would settle for a sandwichā€¦just a grilled cheese or somethingā€¦havenā€™t had bread in a whileā€¦lol


I thought it was already decided - a gallon of ice cream and a big ass jar of Reeseā€™s PB.

Maybe I missed somethingā€¦ :yum: :joy: :rofl:


When to a friends house after work and she had theseā€¦good eats as a mofoā€¦


Looks amazing!! I havenā€™t had a root vegetable in what feels like forever. Some fries or something is def on the menu!!


Oh, manā€¦itā€™s gonna be savage!!!



Brownie cake truffles :heart:


Outta likes mota :green_heart:

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You know you can eat vegetables on a keto diet man, you just deduct the fiber from the carb content to get your net carb amount.

Itā€™s a pain but if you make fries so that they are 75% cooked and then freeze them, then cook them again the short chain sugars become long chain sugars and you have a much slower release of blood sugar as the sugars become a starch resistant carb you can do the same with bread, if you toast it after freezing it, itā€™s much more startch resistant and better for your gut bacteria but with any wheat product with gluten the gluten protein causes a lot of intestinal wall inflammation and leaky gut syndrome. Which may be contributing to your cancer problems.

If you stick with cruciferous veges they have very high cancer inhibiting properties.


Got that right @Shadey. Keep my diabetes in check with leafy greens and
cruciferous veggies as 90% of my diet. Get protein from nuts and olives.
I use organic Moringa oleifera powder for vitamin and mineral supplements.
(Grew some moringa trees with mixed success. Just buy the powder now.
Been using this for six plus years. Moringa Leaf Powder (theplantguru.com)
Seen positive results in cancer and diabetes patients as well as
other ā€œrich manā€™sā€ maladies. Might want to think about some cardio exercise and
stretching too. imho


I need to look into Moringa leaf not heard of it before.

I also do intermittent fasting eating only in a 4 hour window and long fasts up to 6 days, itā€™s one of the best things you can do for correcting insulin resistance as well as auto immune diseases like cancer, ms, parkinsons and dementia as well as physical problems caused by inflammation like arthritis and degenerative bone problems.


I eat once a day not before 3:00 pm and not after 8:00 pm.
Mostly leafy greens I grow myself and sweet potatoes which do not
do well here. J have to buy. Try to get yakimo. Japanese purple when available.

I do reugular two and three days fasts and the occassional five day fast.

Been off of any kind of pharma products six plus years.

You might want to check out Wim Hof and the practices he and his folks
have been doing. Helped me alot.


Yeah I have been doing wimm Hoff a couple of years now. I have only been on BP meds, close to needing met forming for insulin resistance, but after 3 months of keto and fasting I had to come off them as my BP went through the floor, much to my docs annoyance, as he was wanting to bump them up, no big pharma bonus for him as far as I was concerned lolā€¦


I am impressed with Wim Hof practices.
Been almost 4 years now of breathing almost every day.
No ice baths in Spring, Summer and Fall. Raccoons tore
the plastic tub apart as soon as they found it.
Go out every day in Winter for a minimum of thirty minutes and
take snow baths when possible. Working on my handsā€™ tolerance
to cold now. Feet are good for an hour or so in the cold.
My weak spots are the stretching routines.


It seems I need to do a lot more research. I was just told to go on this diet and then was left to figure it outā€¦lol.
I knew about ā€˜natural sugar - fiber = true sugarā€™ā€¦but thats about it.

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I tried doing a fastā€¦I couldnā€™t hack it. How do you guys stop the hunger pains? Lolā€¦please donā€™t say willpowerā€¦lolā€¦although Iā€™m sure it takes lots.


There are two types of fasting, one is intermittent, you can achieve this by gradually reducing your eating window time until you can comfortably eat in a 6 hour window or less. This has therapeutic healing states in it. By not eating for 16 hours your bodies MitochondriaI bacteria start to panic and burn ketones, they control a lot of our immune responses so fearing their host us dying they start to uncouple and multiply, they message the immune system to create macrophages which are the biggest white blood cells in the body to start scavenging anything that is past its cell by date or not functioning properly and turn it into energy.

So if you are trying to prolong your fast you can cheat and drink whatā€™s called bullet proof coffee. Coffee with a table spoon or 2 of MCT oil which will switch of the hormone grueling, that comes to remind you it might be a good time to eat if there is something edible about. The hunger message will only last an hour then it will switch off and get recycled as its wasting energy as far as the mitochondria are aware.

MCT oil is very much like a keytone the fat that is now being released in your body and converted into carbs and fats again. So your mitochondria still think you are not getting any calories and keep the state of apothagy going, once you start to get used to it, the hunger pangs are not as strong. It is very hard to just stop eating, you have to do it gradually.

When you get comfortable without eating for 24 hours push it further to 48 the benifits for your health are amazing, for fast healing, as your body will produce new stem cells once you eat again.

I can cook a meal for my wife 5 days into a long fast and not even want to eat anything lol.

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I am not an authority by any means, baby steps might work.
Maybe try a few 12 hour fasts, 18 hours, 24 hours, etc.
Drinking lots of water helps me.

In time the hunger pains became tolerable.