What do stoners eat? šŸ“ (Part 3)

Lolā€¦nice play on words. Lots of good info! My neighbour was trying to get me on the keto-carnivore dietā€¦but after a few days of steaks, it get so boring. One day Iā€™ll give the +48 hour fast a tryā€¦but today is not that day.

Thatā€™s what Iā€™m reading online tooā€¦like training your body.

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Morning all :coffee:


Exactly, you wouldnā€™t expect to be able to run a marathon straight off, you have to build up to it.

Just start breakfast an hour later every week or so until you feel comfortable then move it forward an hour. When you get to breakfast at 12 and your last meal at 6pm your in a 18 hour fast, anything more than that is a big bonus as apothagy really ramps up.

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Been hooked on salads ā€¦spinach

Pan fried chicken seasoned n Chopped
With whatever fruits n veggies you got and a bit of cheese maybe. Missing croutons.

Apples. Pepper. Cranberries. Cheese
Missing carrots tonight

All of 10 minutes



I had quite a late breakfast, 3:30pm, so Iā€™m having an early dessert, 6:20pm. I should probably hit the bong again too.

Update: 2 empty bowls. Mission accomplished.


I got baked af. And ate the salad.


Genius :sunglasses:

When mrs herb hits the Kush hard the house wins

Choc chip pikelets

Passionfruit cream treats

Tray of sprinkles and white choc chip


slice of pizza. i accidentally spilled a whole cup of pepper flakes on it and ruined the slice.

also have half a gyro but the meat was all dried out. all i wanted was some chicken wings from my local chinese spot but thereā€™s a new guy answering the phone and there was a major language barrier preventing the order. .


Iā€™ll say! mange10

How longā€™ll those last you? Are they half gone yet? lol (1)


Well between the hectic munchies last night and container Iā€™ve brought to work, itā€™s already slim pickings lol

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That sucks man. In high school we would drive to the local Greek shop and order gyros everyday, they employed kids for some program from our school so we could be able to leave and get them working! Holy hell it was awesome. Especially when your buddy would always put some good old blue ringers in that thingā€¦ :blue_heart:

Edit the point was they were wickidly awesome and very consistent


yeah, my mistake going to a random shop that makes pretty much everything. i havenā€™t had a good gyro in years. the quality of everything around me has gone to shit, even the places well-known for them.

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Thatā€™s a bummer man. :confused:

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Iā€™ve been to 2 fancy restaurants recently. The really fancy one was excellent. The less fancy one has definitely lowered their standards.

My favorite pizza remains unchanged so Iā€™ll take that as a win.

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living in a big city we have all kinds of pizza, you can always find something different. my favorite meal is chicken wings and bbq ribs from my local chinese joint. tried a dozen other chinese places and they just canā€™t compare.

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I donā€™t want something different. I want my sausage pepperoni mushroom extra cheese.

Thereā€™s a lot of good Chinese food here too. I particularly like the BBQ/butcher shop but there are lots.

Pizza and Chinese is pretty much all we order except for the occasional sushi which also fortunately remains unchanged.


my go-to pizza is italian beef, bacon and garlic.


Iā€™m willing to be pretty experimental when it comes to food but for pizza I donā€™t want adventure I want comfort and fun like itā€™s pizza day in the 3rd grade.