What do you do for a living?

Kind of like our dpd driver. He’s selling weed out of his truck to people who revealed themself. After I learned that from a friend across the street the smirk when I receive certain packages made sense lol

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I was in Sales/Marketing “closer” 25 years. 15 years as a partial paraplegic. Retired now.

oh the stories those machines could tell

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I work for a software company that you probably interact with a few times a week without even knowing it. :slight_smile:

Edit: reading that out loud, im realizing that sounds scarier than it should, I swear it’s not a creepy Facebook data mining type thing, lol.




Retired label printer. Mostly wine labels. Funny cuz I haven’t drank in 35 years!


Navy nuclear engineer for 7 years (headquarters, not ship-based)
Commercial nuclear engineering (fission and fusion) for the past 15 years up to present.
Now looking to get back to a govt job, DOE, EPA, FAA, Army Corps of Engineers, etc. Basically anything GS-13+ with no drug-testing requirements.


with no drug-testing requirements.
It’s funny what you get in that last little blurb lol
It’s odd I let drug testing push me around for years till I had enough gray hair that I was considered knowledgeable enough to run crews for BSC’s on several interesting sites and a few school districts
If they only knew but they don’t tend to drug test lower mgmt
Worked concrete with a bunch of pot heads for couple years that was cool, what, did you here it, listen, hootie hoo, hootie hoo

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Haven’t figured out that quote button

My job is to smoke almost everything I can grow.
I give some away too.


Ugh, I didn’t need to see that

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Apologies. Inappropriate for sure.
Working in a feed mill, we find all types of stuff like that.
Recently had some big dumps of rain and must have displaced a shitload of mice. I opened the hopper to load some bags and splash a bunch of sludge from old feed and rainwater and about 20-30+ dead mice…I was pretty much covered hard hat to steel-toes.
…the answer is yes, I got a bunch in my mouth too.


All good, I was just eating and scrolling and BAM, dead cat.

Haha, yeah, you might win the award for most potentialy disgusting job on this thread :peace_symbol:


I’ll save the story about my trip to the hog farm for another day.


You should call the Egyptian government and have the whole site sealed as an archeological dig :rofl:

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LOL, find the person who collects the portable toilets from events during the summer heat wave. Now they just catch shit all day.


It was straight up mummified from the limestone. We thought it was a towel or a shirt until it ripped in half and was staring at us :eyes:


I’m a code welder /boilermaker or a powerplant industerial maintenance man …kinda the same job depends on who I’m currently working for…

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Pipeline welder. DOT drug test suck. Anybody have experience with or know if urine luck-quick fix synthetic works?