What do you do in Life?

I don’t mean your job or relationship or whatever. We already know that about you.

No, I mean, for example, I’m sitting here in my housecoat with my feet up on the couch armrest drinking coffee and smoking hash. This is what I want on my epitaph.

How will you be remembered?


Sitting here wondering why I was born


The infinite mysteries of the universe my friend.

Consider why you’re alive today rather than having been born. It’s more manageable.


I Guess I Ve seen too much of Mike Flanagan TV Shows and too much Kubrick shit in the past year so I got locked in weird Mood/thoughts for a loong time now.
Keep me guesstimate the meaning of Life at all
Puff puff-pass the bowl


There is none but what you make. I am going to make toast.


Make It a good existentialistic toast my friend :grin:
Oh yes I love em toasts


I just sit around and do a whole alot of nothing. Kind wish I had more purpose in life right about now, Id love to venture into starting a dispensary with a model that supports home growing. So you can buy the bud we grow, but you can also buy seeds and clones of the stuff that is being sold.

But im a broke no ged no diploma half ass adult that got addicted to gaming.

I also make music sometimes, Im really passionate about music, I love singing and screaming metal vocals while stoned lol.

Right now im in a discord call streaming my gameplay for a friend I met on the game


Degrees are overrated. I have a few. If you want it, do it.

Music + passion = maybe your thing.


Does this toast even exist? :joy:

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I know many people who got a degree by paying It,at times It goes that way Bro,I probably share some of your words over there

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People with degrees hate when I say this but getting a degree is mostly a function of privilege and time. Don’t tell them I said that.


100% true.
But we have on the other hand people who made an effort and are not privileged.


Yes I don’t mean to be too heavy handed. Smart people + degrees = powerful stuff.

And all this shit talk aside I think education is a general good.


They re Just like schrödinger s cat, let’s call It Quantum existencial toast


When the toast is inside the toaster does it actually exist?


Only when It comes out
Or when It starts stinking of burnt.
But did you really put It inside?
Can we 100% be trust our Memory and be sure It Is not kidding us?
Did you hear of a man Who gets his head injured,get hospitalized for some days and when he wakes up he doesn’t Remember what he was,Who and when he got married and wby he has 3 sons?
It Is a real story,we are built Upon out constant Memory of what we do,would we be resetted like a computer we ll be a different people!
What we experience makes US what we actually are,based on that shared memories in out brain.A fault in the brain and we are nothing but someone else


They’re a great book called “the man who mistook his wife for a hat” about specific weird brain dysfunction.


I ll take a look at It.
I m fascinated by our fragile existence.
My quantum breakfast Will not Cook by itself so I ll get myself busy with It and then I ll try dry sifting the old way some Frozen plant matter (quantum hash Is there,you only have to experience It and make It happen)

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I will or will not make bubble hash today depending on a cat.


I have a cat that makes bubble hash but I am not sure he exists.
I have had my three cups of black coffee and I am sitting in ‘my’ chair in the living room. My wife is to my left with a laptop and she is within easy reach to let her know I exist, but I am not sure about the hashcat.

Bonnie the dog is lying by the woodstove and I really should put some more wood in the stove so that she will heat up enough to get up from lying in front of the woodstove.

“Here kitty kitty kitty!”
I saved some daylight yesterday and I think the cat has it now.