What do you guys think about Autoflowers?

Autos and their built in timer, by the time u get a clone to take root the genetics are at the end of their lifecycle


Here’s the thing about autos and clones. Lets say you start an auto seed that will run 75 days from when it sprouts. Now lets say that on or around day 30 this plant has a branch large enough to harvest a cutting and get it to root. What you have to keep in mind that both the “mother” plant and the cuttings are on day 30 of their 75 days of life. So if the cutting takes 14 days to root it is now on day 44 of it’s 75 days lifespan. So it only has 3 more weeks (21 days) to live and we have to assume that while it’s trying to grow roots it will have begun flowering. Nah, rooting autos really has no purpose in my opinion but some say they use the clone for breeding idk.


I’ve seen it be done. Actually with quite a bit of success. But yes, they’re on the clock. So everything has to be absolutely perfect.
I think what I seen was more of a fluke.

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I’m a newbie didnt grow til it was legal in my state and have limited space, mostly been autofems. They’re so easy to keep a bunch staggered going which allowed me to have a ton of different plants. Coming in from zero experience growin plants besides jalepeno peppers a couple times it def gave me so many opportunities at failure. Gettin all those reps in! Had a bunch of successes also and feel like I got to dial-in/understand the drying/curing process. People talk about specific rare genetics all the time but seriously quality of pot is majority post process/freshness. The more legal they make it the more they fuck this up with dried out little nugs sitting two or three together for six months.


Best success I had yield wise was from a “white cookies” supposed to be a GSC/White Widow cross. Seeds from Captain Red Beard outta Oregon. First time running DWC and had a solid QP plus trim from a cheap light in a tiny tent. Nice zippy buzz we enjoyed it.

Best success I ever had flavor wise was Mephisto’s Sour Stomper. So damn tasty Gorgeuos lookin buds perfect color. Easy quick plant also, good structure, easy to trim.

They can definitely be finicky plants compared to just starting from cuttings. But limited space and grey rules give them a big market in my opinion and experience. Anybody can have a drawer full of dozens of flavors that can be ready in 100 days or less from the moment those seeds meet a wet paper towel. A long way from ripping gravitys of stress thru ratchet heads on a 2 liter!


I’m actually very curious about the process because I was thinking about getting some good autoflower genetics and trying to make my own crosses but I’ve never done anything like that before. What point do you apply that STS stuff?? Where can you get it? Can you just do certain branches and not pollenate the whole plant? Hope that’s not too many questions lol


It’s def possible but always ask myself what’s the point? Cloning is typically for bulk or to keep a particular plant alive. Neither can be accomplished for autos and feel like doing clones is just gonna take more space for ultimately the same or reduced yield since it had to shift it’s focus to rooting on that same timeframe from seed to harvest

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Yeah, I don’t see a point at all.
This one I speak of was done accidentally under the assumption that it was photoperiod. :joy:

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Learn from my mistakes on timing it

Start ur “stud” a week or two before the rest
Start treatments at 3 weeks
Expect pollen to start dropping around 6-7 weeks hence the starting ur stud about 2 weeks earlier so receiving plants are in prime to receive pollen about 4-5 weeks to have the full 6 weeks of seed production before the 12 week lifecycle is up

STS is a part a part b of silver thiosulfate that u mix sodium thiosulfate with silver nitrate

U can do individual nodes(self pollination or small run) or all the nodes( open pollination for a whole room), just remember whatever u treat is gonna be toxic and not smokable

U can purchase both ingredients online

This is pics from my last autoflower breeding run, creme de la chem was my studs(had 3, 1 died from treatments, other two did rockstar and can see it was a full plant reversals) was a total of 55 plants in that room of about 20-25 strains


Different STS solutions require a different number of applications.
It can be bought on the interwebs or you can make it.

And yes, you can avoid pollinating the whole plant and just do a branch or two. Many people do just that.

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Hey @Ossigor you’re welcome to read through my journal where I have a decent step by step how to make your own seeds. You can find it here.

LoveDaAutos Journal


Your atlas should be good. I grew fogdog and cotton candy outside last year. Doing froot by the foot this year. Supposed to be less phenotype expression in the froot by the foot.

I generally prefer photos personally. I find or acquire a good plant and chop her up into as many as possible. Consistency with clones that you can’t touch with autos.

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You have short winters?:joy:

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Well it’s called fruit by the foot so at 13" your ahead :rofl:


Think I have half of Atlas seeds catalog as freebies. Multiverse seeds are in business with atlas so when you order from them they give you freebies. Grew their gummy bears. Pulled almost 5oz off of her. Huge plant.
Autos are all I do indoors. Main reason is being able to have a perpetual grow. Stick with reputable breeder’s and you will get good results.


I prefer my genetics are solid and I have great quality to choose from; I don’t have that much experience with autoflower bud and strains to choose great quality from gained experience so that’s why my autoflower journey gets to play second fiddle.

I prefer photoperiod for the reasons of plant resilience to our various inclinations and variety in possibilities.

But that being said, I do love to grow me an autoflower as well. I often just put them under 12/12 with the rest of them even though it means deminished returns, and they’re hard to please when it comes to manipulations and HST, and I don’t really think shorter turnaround is always true nor do I think they provide better worth for my buck or anything, but hey, if see naked tits I gotta look, and if I see a strain I wanna grow I’ll grow it. I won’t get caught naked with my pants on the floor with an autoflower though.

I don’t prefer autos because I can’t figure them out! I’ve harvested maybe 3 auto plants…nothing mind blowing but enough problems for me to typically stay away from autos. They always end up getting stunted no matter what I do.

I prefer photos because they are more forgiving and you can take clones.

Don’t get me wrong though, I’ll try autos again sometime. I have a pack of Nightowl’s Queen’s Banner that needs to be popped before they go bad.


I’m gona stir the pot here. . …

I theorize that autos “may” have more overall cannabinoids resulting in a potentially better overall effect. Not a “slamming THC head high” but moreover a nice even keel of all the CB’s and TH’s.

I have no science to back this theory, only the ol’ butt-dyno to gauge my experience.

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Some of today’s auto’s are great you just have to get from the right places.
I would recommend 20twenty mendocino seeds for Auto’s.
Bad thing is that you can keep a backup of one’s that you really like.
But if you just grow from seed and don’t want to clone there fine.
Biggest mistake people make is trying to not start into their forever pot.
Always start with the pot you want to finish in
They are easily, stunned by trying to start in solo cups and then transplant
This will cause plants that are 6-12 inches and no good.

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Hearing good things about these autos also


You can search certificates of analysis for all commercial grown flower. These show you how much thc, cbd, terpenes are in the flower.

I wanted to add that fast photos are very interesting to me.

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