What do you guys think about Autoflowers?

True story :rofl:

I myself have started many autos off in solocups and transplant with no issues.


I not saying it can’t be done.
I have done it myself just done it yesterday.
I’m saying that it can cause problems if you have not grew many out and leave one in a solo cup just a little to long and transplant it will stun many auto’s
I think it has to do with the tap root hitting the bottom.
I tell many to start in their forever pot for better results.
Happy Growing

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I prefer photos. I have grown both and usually will start a couple early (autos)before the outdoors and indoor photos go in.
Sure, autos are easier to grow.
IMHO photos taste better than autos.

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The success a grower has with autos IMO depends upon how much effort a grower is willing to put into the first 2 weeks of an autoflowering plants life. You can literally set yourself up for success by providing an auto (or any plant) with an ideal growing medium to their liking. For me this is something light, fluffy, with plenty of #3 perlite and a couple inches of hydroton pellets on the bottom of the pot. My experience tells me (again IMO) that autos prefer air pots or fabric pots. When I’m preparing the medium to fill a pot for eiither an auto or photo plant I mix everything in a big tote and then slowly water it and mix it by hand until it very moist but not sopping wet. This for me is an extremely important step. When I’m done wetting the medium I want to be able to grab a handful and squeeze it and it just barely stays clumped together. Not too wet and not too dry. This step also assures me there are no dry sections of medium in the pot.
The first two weeks I feel determine how your auto is going to grow and how successful it will finish. 75 degrees temperature and 70% RH for the first two weeks, in the right medium moistened but not soaked are keys to growing nice autos.

Buying your auto beans from a top tier breeder makes a really big difference.


I’m going to add to what @LoveDaAutos said
Autos don’t like going from one type of soil to another. Light airy soil to clay for example.
They also prefer one transport from sprout to final home. Using plugs I was told once I see the tap root come out the bottom to put her in final location. The window for transplant is about a week. After a week the yield is seriously reduced


I’m not a fan. Most likely my fault, but i might try again. As a new grower I though they’d be good at the time, but ended up getting herms on the first round (4 in a row) I tried. These were feom a breeder on Facebook. The 2nd and 3rd time were ok using 420 Fastbuds Amnesia Zkittles. This was actually a pretty tall one

This is Twisted Trees- Crinkle cut. This little shit was staaaanky, and super frosty. I’d actually run a small tent of these. Unfortunately, the breeder lost everything due to a fire, ut they’re working on bringing em back.

This last one was a huge waste. Another FB breeder Purple Lemonade. This one just pissed me off. What’s the pt.

One day I’ll try another, but right now I prefer regs. Not as finicky and I can take cuts. Some of these autos take just as long as photos.



Currently fairly limited to a small space and can’t run lots of plants. This will change for me SOON. While I can’t take cuts and hold mothers, I can run autos on any schedule that works and make seeds of said autos. In the future when numbers aren’t a concern, I’ll run my photos and find my keepers. In the mean time, I can run autos en masse since I’ve repro’d a bunch of seed stock. Thats my approach to get the best bang for my buck. Plus I’m up north and having some seed stock that I can run outside sans greenhouse is pretty cool too.


Anyone have any big ass huge auto plants…

These were mine, 2 plants…grown outdoors…
1st. time growing autos…


That’s hysterical! I had a few this summer, come out… not quite that small, but close.

When autos go weird, they are a total disappointment :joy:

Maybe you’ll get one pinner from those two plants! :unicorn:


I gave it away bromigo


Dude, don’t give up. I found a monster in Super Orange Haze from Mephisto.

This was after chopping the apical bud that spiked into the light of my 4 ft. tent. It would have had to have been a 5 or 6 or who knows how tall of a plant if allowed to fully beast out. Plus it was solid cola top to bottom of every stem by the end. Anyway, those genes from badass photos are in some of those autos these days.

Edit to add pic before chopping.

Needless to say, made a precious few seeds of this due to some lower viability reversed pollen, but I’m breeding this into zamaldelica express REG autos. These are also know to lean sativa and get large in size.


I’ve had some huge outdoor autos like that! :flushed: they are finicky plants for sure. I prefer fast photos over autos myself at this point


Here are some of the monster autos I’ve grown. Lots of nutrients in constant top feed DWC and long light cycles can yield impressive results, even with ordinary genetics.


Some autos are squat bushes that will not stretch, so results may vary.

Really, they grow that big…what was your light schedule? I’m would like to grow 1 auto in my Phototron this winter but my height limit is 3ft.

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i like them for indoors over the winter. some are pretty good, some are meh.
a lot respond pretty well to topping, supercropping and LST if you have height issues like myself.

got two going inside now. almost done.

Critical 2.0 + Auto

Lemon Haze Auto


I generally run 24 hours, but will bump it down to 20 if I’ve got photos in a tent as well. I also discovered this past year that some photos will do just fine under a 24 hour light schedule for months on end… :man_shrugging:

True, but I’ve pulled surprising yields from some of those short bushes.


Do 24 hrs, top after the 4th node top again if needed… Good quality autoflowers will respond well to training and defoliation as long as they’re healthy.

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