What do you think my fellow stoners?

I smoked some one time had worms on it no lie. Got so high. Some kinda worm or something eating the seeds. I know mice and birds will eat the seeds. Personally I never had a problem with brick weed until 9/11 after that BC bud was all white rhino and brick was now dirt. WR was moldy. Middle grade they called it. It was good. I could get it for 40 or 150 onion.




Yes. I worked in the food industry. I have seen rotten hamburgers cooked and they tried to give it to them. My son started school. The food they had was candy. I felt so, it was heartbreaking to see fat ass people on checks and canā€™t feed the kids.


brick is all I had in the beginningā€¦ Its what I first grew (and realized what I grew was better than the bag just because it was handled less lol). And on the island, its was pretty much the only available option, nugs like what we see here would blow them away. Best I did was almost a 1/4 lb for $25. That lasted almost 3 weeks (it was really dirt), but you just rolled joints instead of smoking cigs. LOL I left probably a half ounce in the nightstand at my hostel (a regular thing there) when I left. Someone just getting there / not having anything, opening the drawer and finding a pipe and bag, yea Iā€™m sure I made someone happy. LOL


I had to take it down. One Love

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that I think to much of to little.

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So funny. I did like that movie. The air plane crash.

Well said we r pretty much whipping ourselves out but far worse destroying Mother Nature lol a planet that gives gives gives and us people take take take ā€¦we really r a bunch of scums :innocent:


Microplastics, are in all animal food chains, apart from places difficult to get into except for the indigenous peoples that live there. They are hormone disrupters, and a lot of plastics prior to the banning of PBA are in land fills or the sea, leeching into our food and water supplies.

Now we have a new development. Graphine beong touted as the next wonderful planetary development of technology, just like plastic was 70 years ago.

Graphine is a metal, can be heated up to 7000 degrees without changing its molecular structure is harder than diamonds, but flexible and transparent as it is only one atom in thickness, it also a very good conductor of electrical current and radio waves which can alter its natural state.

Its a new technology and some science says its toxic when it accumulates in the body like mercury, and can be absorbed through the skin barrier, when negatively charged. When positively charged it will destroy anything organic that it comes into contact with.

Sounds wonderful but like plastic how do we dispose of this stuff safely, when it becomes incorporated in consumer goods like is starting to happen now. How long does it take to break down if it does at all, and what happens when it gets into the food chain, like everything else eventually does. I have seen no papers addressing this problem, only on how its created.

Some science says we may experience another asbestos type problem only on a much greater scale as graphine will be built into everything that is electrically operated as well as some pharmaceutical and medical treatments.

As usual science rushes to produce something just because they can without fully understanding the implications of what they are creating, and being driven by financial profit, with humanity being the test guinea pigs and left to deal with the consequences.


Thats an extinction event waiting to happen if the main caldera goes in one big bang. There should be no mining within a hundred miles of Yellowstone national park.

Fracking should be banned, its wrecking underground water supplies wherever its used.


I totally agree, but from what is being said, its already too late, and with Japan and other countries using flotating industrial factory fishing and processing plants that are totally destroying the seas eco systems, its not going to happen unfortunately.

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Kids, growing, stocksā€¦no time to worry about anything elseā€¦but wear a mask and sanitize frequently.

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Itā€™s not within a hundred miles i would hope ā€¦however itā€™s not far enough to suit me. they are injecting this stuff deep in the crust to bring the oil up from deep below. who knows really what fissures and fractures we expose below?

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Huh I would swear I replied to this topicā€¦ I must be going crazy.

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so on the same subject, almost,
then if we are aware of the things mentioned in here,
then why can we not all change our vibration, kind of like changing the channel
we are all alive and in fact we like everything else emits energy
our frequency or vibes have a lot of how things happen in life, so
why cant we change the channel or emit the same vibes as a whole group in general.
the Egyptians had it ,
allantis ( mis-spelled), the lost great city had it too, same with many other cultures before us.
we can learn to use our energy vibration and, put it to the max.
i am sure that if enough were to do this it would change a few things, well something would be noticeable, perhaps if were true that all would it would be unimaginable what we as a whole race would be capable on achieving
that unity would be the ultimate experience , an unattainable high, as im am sure we would be a more positive vibrating race of energetic beings of light. we would have no ego, rich and poor, all one.
now we dial it down 1000 times and come back to earth,
one person can make a difference no doubt, but with a group effort of perhaps starting right here on og, perhaps we are a secret society, once known as any other stoners, or growers.
we farmers are all but men and woman, happy to grow, happy to share, and perhaps this is just the vibe we need,

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yes and here and there we feel small little quakes, fracking, made to tear our earth and rip her apart

The Earth is a living being and when the parasites begin to act as a cancer she has a habit of pushing a reset button and starting over. Sheā€™s doing it now, covid, massive fires, floods, droughtsā€¦ wake up before itā€™s too late. We can only be responsible for our own actions. When all is said and done the following will survive to the next age. Crocodiles, alligators, sharks, roaches, rats, and cannabis.


As others have pointed out - grains of salt.

I drove the 101 / 405 interchange for almost 30 years - IIRC itā€™s still the third busiest intersection on earth - vehicular death on a daily basis.

But Iā€™m still here.

Do what you can
About what you can
The rest is a waste of time & effort.

Also, despite the US governmentā€™s persuasive docume tary film, ā€œReefer Madnessā€, I smoked pot.

And Iā€™m still here! :smile:


very true we all are