What does this leaf want to tell us?

I got those Little points on some leaves

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If they are only in some leaves they may be bugs, trim one leaf and inspect the reverse thoroughly, donā€™t want to be a PITA but as you already got them you know itā€™s better to be safe and sure ā€¦ avatar38|nullxnull

spider mites


Itā€™s the underneath you need to look at. If you have had mites already, they may be back, I had them last year, and they started in 2020, you think you got rid of them, and a month or 2 later they fuckers are back.

I had to shut my grow down in May as I was planning to go to BC for 4 weeks, but covid messed that plan up. So I just didnā€™t bother starting again yet. After Crimmy the tents getting fired up again and hopefully they will all have died or gone elsewhere by now.

If you have little white balls on the back of the leaves they are mite eggs.

You got good :eye: s George, didnā€™t see that at all on my phone.


Itā€™s on the upper side,underneath Is clear green actually.
Also to mention that this problema started with the true First leaves two weeks ago and progressed in the three finger you see burnt

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Thanks, just a 55 inches TV connected to my computer ā€¦ :sweat_smile:


Yeah my 32 inch high Def TV is my computer monitor, makes a big difference.


Have you made a foliar spray recently? :sunglasses:


I also tried to remove those White shit and It doesn t remove,happened that It was the starting of a burning blotch in the three finger leaves

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No,i did when the plant was 7 days old

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Going Crazy to narrow down the issue
I had another topic here,have a look if you want Root rot?Quick Advice - #18 by Andrexl

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You should better post it in the Sick plants & problems thread, I have moved this one, people will find it better. Apparently for me these are bugs or eggs, waiting for more opinions ā€¦ beer3|nullxnull

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I am leaning towards lockout,Calcium because It s not mobile and Is spotty,magnesium and/or P.
I have used distilled water for the flushes and to water Them After,Maybe It lacks also calmag.Didnā€™t use my mineral water for a bit in this pot

Thank you so much.Yes I thought of that too,but cannot see Them even with microscope.Also,of they were eggs,with a cloth,I would have destroyed them

The book already exists. With plenty of pretty pictures. Unfortunately it doesnā€™t have an Advanced Nutrients mascot to justify the price tag. Growers would much rather spend 200 on garbage seeds or a joke ass grow tent than to separate themselves from the group of zombie deacons of the church of internet weed.

Iā€™m running a boron def session right now. Inadvertently getting -Zinc in many plants also. Plants that look like yours.

But you know itā€™s probably bugs. Iā€™m not a internet weed/pesticide specialist, just a regular pothead.

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Your thoughts are on micronutrients.I am very Lost with this lady too. @CureMasterLocs

Then youā€™re right, no eggs, no fungus, itā€™s strange they follow just the nerves. Iā€™ve seen Calcium here:

and Phosphorous here, could be senescence but also saw the purple petioles:


Watering with nutes was 1 liter,I still got the other half of bottle.

A few days passed,about 4

Last ā€œfeedā€: Yesterday
Distilled water 500ml +stimulants:activera,Heaven,topmax,algamic)
pH 6,6-6,8 max

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Even Little Gelato Is growing purple stems,I think It Is the light.

I am considering the light too strong alsoā€¦I d K

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I like that grow app frech|nullxnull, could be a nutrient lockout, because tons are available but plant doesnā€™t seem to assimilate them icon_e_confused|nullxnull, specially watching those high ppmā€™s and high pH in the runoff.

I am not an expert, but I would flush her until getting more reasonable numbers and see how she reacts, letā€™s see what others think about ā€¦ beer3|nullxnull

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Yes,that was the third time I flushed,not heavy flush though,like half gallon distilled water.Yes letā€™s wait,there Is nothing to do,I m scratching my head on this lady

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