What's going on? 🙄 (solved, thx)

Three different strains all fed the same with similar symptoms, I know I am doing something bad but what is it? icon_e_confused|nullxnull Happened also in previous grows, thanks in advance … beer3|nullxnull


Hmm looks like calcium… or maybe just an imbalance in general :thinking:

First things first, What medium are you growing in?

I assume pH is correct going in?


Every time I had spots on leaves that looked like that, my pH was outta wack. Jmtc.

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Thank you both, I am using Canna Terra soil, may be the pH as I am using Advanced Nutrients pH perfect and don’t constantly check it, will do from now on and see if that changes … beer3|nullxnull

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Like @HolyAngel and @SeymourGreen says Calcium for sure : ) gonna have to do detective work to ascertain why : ) either ph or just needs ca ppm raised in mix

Do you add calmag , how much and what brand and every feed ? What ppm is your tap ?

" Canna terra pro " or " canna terra pro PLUS " ?


I do add CalMax from Grotek but not everytime, I alternate it with Growth Max and Pro Silicate. My soil is just Canna Terra Professional, no PLUS :sweat_smile: and I use the dehu water, just 32 ppm, my tent is in the attic and that way I have free water surplus.

Maybe missing tap water minerals and soil or water too acidic is helping with that Calcium deficiency, I will do a runoff test, thanks for your help … beer3|nullxnull

At 32 ppm tap you will deffo need calcium mag and iron in every feeding : ) at the start you are getting by cuz the fresh soil has some in it but then w5 in the pot veg or flo , the def starts to appear ,as what is in soil is used up , better to give at every feed so no confusion for plant , no need for it to keep adjusting : )


Thanks, will do … beer3|nullxnull


I use vita link , it has extra iron also plus less n in it compared to canna calmag adgent

When the center of new growth is slow and yellow / yellowish that is the sign of iron def , if looking , even if not showing , at 32 ppm I would still look at extra iron , won’t do no harm , keeping you safely in parameters and not on the edge : )

What is the percentage ie ratio of nitrogen calcium and mag , in your calmag your using ?


This is it:


I think I will use tap water for some waterings, dehu was easier as no chlorine evaporation needed and is available upstairs (30 liter deposit with bomb). I had some plants finishing along with some sativas (Upstate told me to feed low) so latest waterings were in the low ppm profile for everyone.

I will give them more Cal Max and see how they react, was just the start of the deficiency so guess thanks to your advice I will have them all under control … beer3|nullxnull


I’ve read in many places, if your growing in soil, don’t adjust your waters ph unless it’s way off from neutral.


I also did, but I am just in 3 gal pots, I remember Shadey speaking about at least 15 gallons of soil needed to buffer, mines is 7.4 … :sunglasses:


Is that the pH of your tap water or the runoff?!


Nope, the pH of the tap water, the dehu water is lower, right now they are sleepingzz|nullxnull, I will check it later, thanks for the reply … beer3|nullxnull


My tap ppm is 40 , I bring my tap in Rez to 200ppm with calmag , then another 50ppm of epsome , then I add feed and ph , for every feeding : )


I’d mix the tap water with the dehumidifiers water. Try 1:1 and check pH or tds


I must go lower, I don’t flush anymore but like to keep ppm’s low the last weeks … :sunglasses:

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For the next batch then :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Temp and Rh have a ton to do with calcium delivery


Yes lower the feed but keep mag etc the same
I change my ratio to 1/2/6 at end and at low ppm keepin my mag and sulfer the same till end also , k mag and sulfer plant likes at that stage

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