What happens when i pollenate a feminized plant with a regular male?

will it lead to bad seed?
and these regulars packs, if i set up a tent and open pollenate the regulars will it lead to crappy plants?

by bad seed i mean grows into herms and crappy plants

im planning on buying a bunch of seeds to preserve and do my own breeding experiments


Pollinate a girl plant with male pollen from regs produces regular seeds. Whether good or bad will depend on the plants.


You will just get reg seeds but also a very limited genetic profile of the strain. Should be nothing really wrong with the seeds.


You can also switch from regular to feminized by spraying a female’s bud with 30 ppm of colloidal silver once a day. By this step the Bud begins to hermaphrodite and produces female seeds only.

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Same idea what di I get if I just let ‘em get it on. Reg seeds to start with BOG genetics sour strawberry

Dude, if you pollinate a feminized cannabis plant with a regular male, you might end up with a mix of seeds. Some will be feminized, like their mom, and some will be regular

That’s wrong buddy. If you pollinate a feminized plant with male pollen you re introduce the male genes so you end up with regs only.


how do the names go and what are some methods? like if i open pollenate its s1, then if i breed one vs another in the same batch its f1 and the same etc?

and i understand backcrossing, you take a seed and inbreed it until a traits stablizes

he’s actually correct, but he’s not using the common cannabis vernacular.
some will be female and some will be male.


Pollination of a female flower by male pollen will produce regular seeds. 50% males, 50% females unless a hormone alteration method is used such as the aforementioned colloidal silver to induce female (or feminized) seeds. :v:

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So they will be reg seeds with both the female and male genes unlike feminized seeds that only carry the female genes so no he is not correct bud.

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he just said feminized instead of female and regs instead of male.
just because he didn’t use the words you’re used to seeing doesn’t mean he’s wrong.

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This is a grow forum. Miss information can cost someone a full grow. Feminized and female when growing is 2 totally different things. I respect that English isn’t the only language both the world and this forum has. I’m sorry if I offended or upset anyone but these simple mistakes can cost a person both money and health benefits from cannabis. :v:


Don’t do it !

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You’ve been a member of OG since 2020, it’s clearly time you made some seeds! Whatever pack of regs caught your eye I think you should buy and plant them all and make many many fat baby seeds.

Be sure to tag me in the grow diary.


Here’s what will happen: first, you’ll get a whole mess of regular seeds. Then others will find out what you made, and they will want some. Then you will trade, share, and definitely make more seeds! :v:


What happens … we all know what happens since two decades : old and clean genetic becoming pricey as fuck, even if they were basic and cheap strain back in their days.

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