What IS dirt weed?

So after getting into growing, first with a bag seed of dirt, and now my first real grow with actual good stuff, I been wondering… what IS dirt weed exactly?? and where is the bridge that separates it from our beloved kind that we all grow? Dirt is way less potent, plain and yucky, and doesn’t even smell good. how did it come to be? I’ve never thought about it before til now, and it’s sure got me curious. Anyone here know the history of how it came to be?


Thats a good question, following as I’m curious if theres a history to the term or not.


Just slang for low quality brown weed. Multiple grades of import weed.

Any number of factors, but often no attempt to cull males, haphazardly grown, no fertilizer, bush-grown, males bricked in with females and other plants, dried in piles in the sun, pieces of debris, zero removal of leaves, poor genetics, sat in a hot truck in Mexico summer for 3 months…who knows.

You can make good brick weed. I grew a mexican sativa properly, dried it, removed fans, and pressed it…much much better than dirt weed.


Just that Mexican dirt. @vernal has hit it on the head IMO. Poorly grown, poorly dried, stored hard pack (or not) that’s OLD, mixed in with who knows what . From way back. Just from my time smoking/involved in growing I’ve seen the quality absolutely skyrocket.


Here’s another one to toss in the ringer, along the same lines, round here we call it ditch weed…
Basically no attention given, especially the most important ingredient, LOVE.


I’ve grown out so called dirt weed and it was some of the best I’ve ever grown. Imo it’s all in the cure and care


Even if the lines were good, “curing” in piles in the sun is literally the opposite of desirable. Lucky enough THC remained to get a buzz. Sometimes you got the ammonia stink and that was just soooo tasty. :joy:


If you press it somewhat still moist it gets dark with a whiff of ammonia…kinda earthy…like pipe tobacco in a way. It’s not bad, tastes good too.


Yes I do remember enjoying that. Some vegetal smell is nice. Full on brassica stench is a different story.


It’s that Reggie Bush, Reggie Miller, schwag (sp?). The stuff that looks like shit, tastes the same, is often entirely too dry, often riddled with seeds, gives you a crushing headache, entirely too compressed, but used to get me oh so high in middle school and some of high. Gotta be a little older to dig it :v:t2:


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I guess what I was getting at was, what’s the relation of dirt from kind, chicken or the egg kind of thing?? Was weed always grand and dirt weed is just unstabilized genetics?? Or was it always dirt weed and kind was harnessed from the centuries of defining genetics? And how along the lines did dirt lose the thc quality ?
Or, is dirt weed actually really good weed like kind, it just has no strain name and is never grown to her potential, like picked early and what all of you have said, resulting in crappy weed?

Dirt weed is what happens when its mass produced with no shits given besides getting it across the border to sell to Americans

“Kind” is properly grown/cured weed

Put a seed in 1 pot that gets only water and maybe some piss or a federale corpse or 2 then harvest it 4 weeks early as the choppers are circling

Then put a seed in a pot and give it a precise nutrient regime, proper harvest time and a good cure, which do you think will be called dirt weed


So basically “dirt” weed and “kind” bud are all in the same…just all boils down to HOW it’s grown?


Imo this is a large part of it, but there’s also the dynamic of growing literally thousands of plants at a time and not giving a shit about selecting quality. Some of the breeders here can push back on this notion (I don’t breed so happy to be wrong), but there’s also the factor of needing product and being willing to take whatever. So, you could have a radical blend of nasty genetics, decent, and also some quality. But, most of what you get that’s been wrapped in Saran, duct and electric tape, and layered with Vaseline is going to also have been subject to open pollination, harsh conditions, premature harvest, pesticides, etc. Some crops will handle those facets better than others. Jumble that with the points other folks have made, and you get crap. There’s just minimal care for growth with “dirt” compared to what ppl cultivate here.

Anyone remember mid grade, mids, midget? Maybe that stuff is still around, but this is a blast from the past for me. It was basically good outdoor. Stuff that was upcharged to death because it was actually green, had a pleasant smell and sometimes taste, minimal seeds, AND a decent high. Still came wrapped in ghetto bales most of the time, but an improvement from a pound that was so compressed, I could literally carry it in my back pocket. Memories….:notes::notes:


Mostly yes, the other difference is the care in selections when making crosses or future generations. With the mexi brick they just save a bunch of seeds to grow the next season. With our modern high grade people have taken the time to grow out thousands of plants and only crossing the best with the best.


Thank you. You explained this much more eloquently than I✌🏻

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Used to work in a pot club when it all first became legal in Cali
They buy dirt weed from this old hippy bloke,lots of the older people didn’t like the new weed got them to messed up so they smoke this cheap ass weed lol, $50 an ounce compared to $50 1/8 of the good stuff
It was always orange kush,I wouldn’t say it was straight up brick weed but the bloke didn’t give a fuck never trimmed it would throw sticks of celery and apple in the turkey bags to keep the weed a bit moist lol,


Back in the day… they didn’t know that if you ditched the males they would get all bud, is how I remember it. So, they would grow fields of it in Mexico and put it in bales and it would all pretty much dry together and get packaged into a brick. A lot of times brick weed would reek of fuel cuz they would dip the packages to get it across the border. Anyway, it was brown, seedy bud in a brick…aka Mexican dirt weed


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