What is your side hustle?

lol sure thing mr. CRA/IRS auditor :laughing: lol j/k i should get a side hustle, i could advertise as a freelance webmaster or somethingā€¦ i should learn to get pro at photoshop so i could do freelance graphic design

i want foreign languages to be my side hustle. iā€™ve been devoting my time to learning russian and now french as well. eventually iā€™ll be able to offer translation or tutoring services.


French is not to bad to learn, at least you use the same letters just in different combinations, but Russian, that must be a real hard to learn. It must be like trying to learn to read write and speak all over again. Have you tried reading and writing music?

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I speak American English as my primary language but at one point was also fluent in French (I lived and studied in both Quebec and France). I havenā€™t kept up with it over the decades, so now I understand it but have to translate in my head before I can spit it back out. Some of my vocabulary has vanished too, but I can at least describe the word Iā€™m looking for when speaking with a francophone (ā€œQuel est le mot pourā€¦?ā€). I used to dream in French which is the main sign of fluency, IMO.

I also studied German, Russian and Japanese but none of those stuck in my brain like French did - perhaps because I was older and the brain is more receptive to this type of learning when youā€™re young. It doesnā€™t take too long to memorize the Cyrillic characters in the Russian alphabet to where you can make out what the written word sounds like. Sometimes having the pronounciation is enough to figure out the meaning if it sounds similar to the English word (ŠšŠ¾Ń„Šµ = coffee, Š¢Š°ŠŗсŠø = taxi, Š¼ŠøŠŗрŠ¾Ń„Š¾Š½ = microphone). I never put in enough time to become proficient.

As far as my side hustle? I donā€™t have one. I make a reasonable salary at a job I donā€™t mind and lead a reasonable lifestyle. I love my hobbies but fear that monetizing them will crush my enjoyment. I value my leisure time more than extra $$$ā€¦


100% VA disabilitary, Military Retirement, and SSDI.


Very wise, I started to hate airbrushing when I had deadlines to finish off something. The stress just wipes out the enjoyment of creating a nice piece of art. If you have to do it, whether you want to or not, it becomes a job, and not a hobby you get pleasure from doing, when you want to do it.


Did the fish breeding - never discus but lots of South Americans - not a fan of the Africansā€¦ Rams apistos angels (used to have some gorgeous wild scalare crosses) was about 20 generations into a German red ram line when that divorce ended that. They were easy to sell, still would beā€¦

These days Iā€™m doing a bit of 3d printing, friends got me into the 1/25 scale model crowd, seem to be getting some decent uptake there, new resin printer helped. Hate it but such pretty results. Added thermador swamp cooler - then a grille for it, some custom k5 grilles, Alcoa duallie rims, yesterday I was doing swamper boggers, today Hoosier drag slicksā€¦ 20$ 20$ 20$ā€¦

Last year I had a couple nice contracts to do sales models for some directional drilling companies. (A 1/2lb of plastic is easier to haul around than a 50lb drill head) all that work is gone of course.

But itā€™s all nickle and dime stuff - probably should start selling weed, that pays better :rofl:


I sell antiques on occasion. Being a caregiver, gives me the ability to earn money with the grow and making medibles and such, I am pretty busy with it and really donā€™t have time to have a side hustle, really donā€™t need one right now either, knock on wood.


Im a Gigolo.


I love Apistos but Iā€™ve always lived somewhere with obnoxiously hard water. I had RO unit of course but the apistos will demolish shrimp and dwarf crayfish before you know what happened. Interesting how so many guys into aquariums are into herb as well. Planted tanks taught me hydroponics lol.


Painted Fire has an exotic shrimp and fish breeding thread here some where.


Was thinking of setting up a cherry shrimp nano-tank for my daughterā€¦hmmmā€¦good to know.


Iā€™ve noticed the same thing :thinking:
Pretty sure my homies from the aquarium society could grow tha dank :tropical_fish: = :fire:

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I breed show bunnies and adopt them out to people for 4h and for show. As well as pets! We have all holland lops. Its funny but its a lot of work breeding rabbits . And you really wouldnā€™t think that of bunniesā€¦ im actually selling one today!


This was my office most weekends before the quarantine. Iā€™ve been doing it over 30 year. I miss the music more than the money.


yeah i can read music notation if thats what you mean, music is like a universal language.

i imagine with foreign language knowledge i could find freelance translation jobs i could do from home or something. thats why i wanna learn programming tooā€¦ i hate people, want to work from home, or be able to travel and work at the same time

then i can become a youtube travel vlogger