What is your side hustle?

Just wondering what people do for a side hustle.
In the past, I have bought items from China and upped the price. Usually little items that have free shipping. One that people buy all the time are those green, high powered lasers pointers. I get them for under $10 (with battery, charger, removable patterned lense) and sold them for $20 to people at parties, co-workers, etc…sold them for $50 to assholes and people I don’t like.
Same type of deal with bags and clothes…bought some fake Louis Vuitton belts and told the guy that I was selling them to that they were knockoffs…he didn’t even try to bring the price down…lol…wasn’t gonna argue with him.


Haven’t made a lot but usually break even by finding something that costs a lot and decide I can make it for a lot less and sell enough to pay for the ones I need. I got a Lund boat last fall with the track lock system and needed all the accessories like these

So bought raw parts and made the connectors that nobody sells but ordered in from China.
These ones I made for about $10 each without the logo and ordered enough to make lots of extra and sold to friends that have the same system for 1/2 the price they would have to buy them for so kinda the same as you Tappy


I don’t have a side hustle… but, i just got a new truck with my tax returns. Paid 6500 for a 2008 ford f-250 king ranch, 6.4 deisel, lots of cool extras. Trade in value is around 22k. Maybe finding things like that should be my side hustle!


I sell vintage/obsolete Harley parts and accessories. Been doing it since about 2010.


I’ve got like 10 side hustles… none of which I do cause I’m a lazy stoner… shit


Work all day and then come home and take care of my plants. Thats my side hussle.


I sell to my 2 close friends (who also know I grow). I dont make much but it helps cover costs for my grows and subsidises my own stash :slight_smile:


Like you said @Tappy I used to buy and sell a bunch of stuff from china. Scales, Glassware, silicone dab slicks, domeless dab nails, rolling papers. And that’s just what I still have in stock.

Back in the day I sold bud. Fuckin Seventeen years old or so I was charging twenty bucks for 5g, would make 18 on a p every 5 days. Didnt take a single day off for like three years. The ‘mids’ I was buying back then at 1400 were the same quality as most of the ‘headies’ I see nowadays going for 2200. It’s disgusting.
Now everybody and their mother are selling weed. Except me. lol

Five days after my daughter was born I had my first day of college, got a real job, and learned what minimum wage was. Whoo. Fucking five and six days a week for a total of ~30 hours @ $8? Fuck. I liked the job tho, so I stuck it out until we got this fly little 19 year-old blonde girl. Fucking hornball manager cut my hours to give em her full-time in an attempt to get in her pants. He failed.
I tried opening a hydro shop in like 2010, had the site, the distributor, the first customer with the first large order ready to go, but my loan fell through. Still haven’t gotten over that one.
The year PS4 and Xbox One came put I was making a killing on used electronics. Gamestop was offering bonus money towards trade-ins, so I’d use what gamestop offered as a maximum price I’d pay. Worst case scenario I could break-even in an instant.

For a few years now been running the math for people’s taxes 100 days a year, and contract landscaping another 100.
Made and sold a lot of edibles and plain candy/confections in the past. Cheap shitty chocolate is around eight dollars a pound, so now I’m making the raw ingredients too.


Was thinking of getting back into it. We have a large aboriginal population here…found a bunch of clothing that would sell in a heartbeat around here… I could easily double the price and still sell them in a minute.
In reality, the wannabe gang-bangers are the ones I would be trying to sell to.


I got lucky a couple months back and befriended the co-founder of Horticultural Lighting Group (their HQ is near me) and can get direct from HLG under wholesale pricing but for personal sized orders. Called the guy one day, walked in with $4000, walked out with (7) 550 V2 RSPECS and cash leftover. Been selling lights to mostly Michigan growers (im in ohio) to make a little side cash.


Got any side tanks for a 1929 HD MC


Hi @STIGGY. As you know, that’s a tough ask. I don’t have any sitting around, but might be able to get them. Send me a PM and let me know your budget and expectations on condition. BTW - for some reason, I’m thinking you’re asking about a Model JD, but if it’s something else, please clarify.


I’m currently trying to figure one out. All this time working from home has me motivated to figure out other alternate income streams.


Wow you can get parts, I was just checking to see what access you had.
Thank You, I wish I Had that Bike.
Check out this site

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I have always had side jobs, bringing in other peoples stuff to what ever work I was doing at the time, like metal finishing and plating on custom motorcycles and cars.

Hobbies that led to money.
Body Building and Martial Arts, several different styles, led to Bouncing in night clubs and close protection body guard work and teaching martial arts privately.

Painting Pictures, led to painting on peoples leather jackets, and later on airbrushing on motor cycles, cars, canvass, you name it, I have probably painted on it lol.

Building my own computers, led to working for Hewlett Packard diagnosing customer problems over the phone as well as fixing them for friends and work colleagues.

Also doing computer digital artwork in Photo shop, led to designing company logos on the side.

Growing weed, led to selling weed naturally lol, in the UK before emigrating here :wink:

Repairing my cars, led to repairing other peoples cars, led to a job building performance car engines, porting out cylinder heads.

Working in Construction led to Painting and decorating, dry walling building garages and roofing and making furniture on the side.

Making my own wine, beer and high proof spirits, led to being drunk a lot lol.

Meditating and developing my psychic abilities, led to Tarro card reading and channelling.

Pretty much everything I learn to do, is because I dont want to have to pay some one else, to have to do it for me, or what I want, is beyond what my pocket can afford lol.


I knew there was a reason you and I click so well
I grew up doing everything myself , hell we could have been Brothers .
Never studied Mart/Arts, but did learn hand to hand and defensive fighting.
Worked as armed body guard when I was needed.




Things you can do, in your house, with only minimal time, equipment, expertise, and investment?

Try your hand at growing fungus, grow more herb, make some moonshine.

Rapid turnover, easy production, at least one of the three is low risk in most situations.

Other options may exist for you geographically. Animal bounties for nuisance creatures where you get paid for pelts, ginseng hunting, morels, gold panning, metal detecting, looking for Indian artifacts (my grandfather did that, some artifacts are very valuable), killing squirrels and selling the tails to Mepps, list is endless. Where do you live there is something to do haha.

I used to breed fish/shrimp and grow aquatic plants, mostly to defray the costs of the hobby. In fact, breeding is big in all sorts of things, shrimp, guppies, bettas, lizards, snakes, tarantulas, etc.

All sorts of interesting things are valuable to the right aquarium people. Interesting rock (some people ay $10/lb for specific types) and very aged hardwood driftwood (more gnarled the better) can be lucrative. There is a moss that grows in shaded fast moving streams called Fissidens that is very valuable in large quantities if you can find it (collected a huuuge handful once, nice payday). High quality simple solid wood aquarium stands go for oddly large amounts of money, if you do woodworking. Niche markets often lack adequate supply, even in this modern age.

Grow coral frags and sell those.

Get 500 Japanese maples going and charge $100/tree in 3 years. IDK how much space you have.

If you can draw, there’s porn commissions, or Fiverr. I know people who do camming and make a killing. Endless options if you know where to look.


Staying with the aquarium theme, if you can breed the right fish there is a lot of money to be made.

I used to breed discuss fish, they’ll spawn 100+ fish easily. A bitch to get them to mate though. But keep them baby fish alive for long enough, and you can sell them for quite some cash.


You ain’t kidding some people pay $800+ for some breeding pairs, hell even a dozen quarter sized juveniles can set you back a few bills.

Wish I lived in Hawaii; I’d have a hundred tanks on my back patio no need for heaters or tapwater. Ever see those pictures from Southeast Asia where guys just have like a hundred rubbermaids full of breeding fish in an alley haha? That’s the dream lol.