What kind of GROW lights are you using?

The driver in a Chinese special AKA Not very good. If you are on a very limited budget I would spend a little more and get a VIPARSPECTRA XS-1000 it uses Samsung diodes (Not much different from the H series) plus it has a meanwell driver

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I am not on a budget. Just playing around in a test tent.

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I ran an XS2000 on my last run and it did a fine job.

I’ll get (and share) some PAR numbers when it fires up and plugs in.

They have a new 3000 model is 6% more efficient than previous one

Bloom Plus Latest XP3000 LED Grow Light with Samsung LM301H Diodes, 4x4 ft Coverage Dimmable Sunlike Full Spectrum Grow Light for Indoor Plants Veg and Bloom Hydroponic Growing Lamps with 625pack LEDS https://www.amazon.com/dp/B093F8V8YG/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_2A0471W3YPSCMCWX05Z2?psc=1

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I have two 50 watt Cobbs, a Spider Farmer SF-1000, LinCool 240watt Bar light with a detachable driver that I am going to replace with a meanwell driver. I am also looking to get a 480watt QB or bar light.

Dollar Store lights. Used to be $1. for a 100W (12W), and then 75W (10W or was it 9?). Got the warm white (3500) for flower and the daylight (5000) for veg. I think. Was not planed but just needed a light in a hurry and it sort of grew organically.

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Want to get something in 6500k for a veg tent. Looking at this one. Think 2 should veg a 4x4 pretty nice. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07LBJG927/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_7795G6D71CZT49K33C8Z?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1

I seen that

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i have a BP3000 300 real watts and a BP4000 is from 520 to 530 watts full power
the BP models are now cheaper due the update on the leds and the new ones have dimmer knob now
i liked the performance for the price they are not bad at all , 1.9umol in open space and 2.1umol in tent area

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Info like this is what we need not artificial claims of massive wattage output which means nothing.
Someone posted a while ago in another thread on lighting that watts dont grow plants, light does.

I run it at 375w the bp 4000

I agree. It’s not a bad light. Also you can set it with out a screwdriver 3000

Anything over i feel like it’s pushing to hard. I only run it 12/12. All my cheap lights never over 12/12. They claim 2.7 on the 4000 I get some nice side hits that why the 4000 in the 4x4

yes but is nit , i dig into the diodes and drivers using and you can run the 4000 at full power with no problem , you will increase the yield if you do and can use it like 6 inches more far from the plants, i ran it in the 4x4 full power , covers perfect at full power , i will use it like a 280 to 300 in the 3x3 like the bp 3000

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Mars Hydro TSW2000

No complaints. It works great for veg and does great in flower too. I’m sure there are way better lights but I did a ton of research on LED before buying and this ticked all the boxes I needed as a beginner!!

The PPFD was in the right ranges for both veg/flower and I’m really happy with the purchase. I do not supplement CO2 so I didn’t need anything over about 1000ppfd.


I agree. But!!! Lol if I feather heat I feel like my plants day. I don’t want the heat on me . Lol your right. I good with it at 375 don’t trust it. The fan on top cuts off it hot as fk. So does my HLG lights. But they are :100: I like them the best. Tone honest. I’m running so many flavors. I want the light hanging at different heights. Just me. I understand the gains I can have. I happy with my turn. Ill show

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I’m good. Lol the bp 4000 works. I want some solo light from out west. Don’t want a cheap light again