What Nutrients Do You Prefer?

Been on Gia Green for a minute, super simple for my ADHD brain.

I use mineral nutrients mainly
And use my own recipe then mix some chemical substances to get close to the recipe as much as possible

“Nutrient solutions for greenhouse crops” a good read to get the base line of mixing chemical substances.

I went through more than 30 different cultivars with the recipe. Don’t get any deficiency whatsoever.

Pics below the latest trial with my recipe in the greenhouse environment.


I like to make own recipe because it is fun but also better than pre-mix fertilizer.

The best part is it’s at least 10times cheaper than buying pre-mix brand fertilizer.

I can’t share the recipe but def can help peop to get there if anyone interested

Some of homegrown result with own mix


I will absolutely start a grow log.


It rox, thanks.

I grow outdoors currently. I typically use whatever I can find cheap. Mostly organic amendments, teas ect. Iv started using epsoma brand, it’s reasonably priced and comparable to Dr earth. I amend with blood and bone meal where necessary. Gypsum, cow manure, worm castings mushroom compost get tilled in every year. I use straw as mulch and till in last years mulch as soon as the ground thaws. When the worms and bugs wake up they have plenty of food. By time I plant most of that has composted away.

I do supplement with salt based nutrients here and there. But thinking of stopping all together. I do add silica, Cal mag and molasses as well

I just started making and using jadam and incorporating it in my feeding schedule. The plants seem to love it.


Looks good. Mind sharing your profiles and ratios?

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Just read the post below. I also mix my own. Are you bound by clause or something that prohibits you from sharing your recipe?

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I had a fellow grower send me a .pdf on jadam. Seems interesting and I would eventually like to try it. My outdoor gets fed recharge, greengro veg (top dress), or Roots veg tea. Plants seem to respond pretty well to them. I think next year I want to run salts next to organic to see the difference. For the organic I’m debating mixing up some super soil in my barn and letting it cook until next season. This is two of my larger plants so far this year.


The jadam was super simple. I just took a some rain water that collected in a wheel barrow. You need some old leaves preferably from the ground in the woods. Just need the leaf mold and the woods are guaranteed spot for it. The just add whatever other organicaterial you have laying around. Some people add fecies but I just can’t bring myself to take it that far. I made chicken manure tea once and never again.


Here’s a free PDF of the JADAM book for anyone interested!


I have been growing indoors for some time now. I grow in coco for a few years now. I have tried floraflex dry mixes and I have used botanacare and a couple other 3 part mixes from General Hydroponics etc. Now I use General Hydroponics FloraNova as my base. It’s a single part with a different bottle for veg and bloom. It makes everything so much easier. 5ml a gallon will keep you from getting deficiencies but in coco you need calmag as well. I like advanced nutrients for my additives. Big bud and overdrive all at half strength. I do want to try Advance PH perfect at some point. With the three parts I just never got the results I get from the FloraNova one part. It’s worth a look for sure if you want to simplify. Good luck

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Solution Grade Gypsum and Maxibloom


Looking great! What’s your watering schedule?


Damn! I’m still going to try this lol! I have bags of maxi still! Never had those kind of results when I ran it.

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I was using calmag with the maxibloom before and got worse results consistently. Dropping the calmag for the solution grade gypsum made all the difference imo.


Don’t have clause atm but may have one soon so bit careful to open up…

Since i’m bit careful to open up this recipe, started to making a new one that is adjusted version of existing brand fertilizer so hobby growers can easily mix themselves without knowing backend knowledge of nutrient solution
One grower’s testing this new recipe but he just started to test out so have to see how it turns
I’m hoping to be able to finish the trials on this new recipe and share it by the end of this year as a baseline

All besides, super nice that you are making your own!!:grin:
we enjoy challenging and learning as well as others

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I totally get it. If I give you my elemental ppm will you tell me if I’m on the right track or if there’s anything you would adjust?


Ah not really fixed!

You’ll have your own great idea but just to share my 2cents…
I always follow the water balance so one supply water as much plants transpirate and substrate evaporates
Just depends on how I wanna control i give water shortage or some extra water (most of the time i measure and play with EC than WC to control this).

Still one fixed trend i do is giving the most water when stretch stops and plants start increasing flower biomass. What peop think foxtailing is often just flower not meeting their genetic potential due to water shortage so this trend can help many growers i think

Water shorted Amnesia looking fox-tailing and sativa kinda flower looking

When the same cut had no water shortage during increase of flower biomass stage


Sure that is possible!

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