What Nutrients Do You Prefer?

That’s super interesting! Maybe I should change my watering schedule a bit. I’m new to growing cannabis still and have only two harvest under my belt. But I noticed I have this issue where the buds grow long and spindly. I thought foxtailing at first but comparing images of actual foxtails I knew it was something wrong instead. I grow in living soil that has some really good drainage. Im trying some happy frog in a couple pots that is more coarse than what my soil is. I’m curious to see any differences in bud structure between soils now.

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That’s a really great interpretation!
Am sure you’ll bring it to the right track and thumbs up for the living soil!! Really really cool stuffs as well🔥

My organic soil mix and if I need/want to use additional nutrients I use Botanicare

Technaflora BC nutes, been using these for years…



For Chemicals I like Master Blend
15.5-0-0 Calcium Nitrate
Epsom Salts
Azomite. I mix it in the soil. Promix BX

Organic I like
Peruvian Seabird Guano. Both High Nitrogen, and High Phosphorus
Calcitic-Dolomitic Lime. 2/3 Calcitic x 1/3 Dolomite.

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Ventana Plant Science was the best as far as I could tell from my research

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I was using 2 ml/gal of added cal mag and silica with floraflex.

I like FF 3 stages
Open sesame
Beastie bloomz
Cha ching

I’ve tried so many had good results with most when it wasn’t good it was most likely Me. I liked remo s full line and had good results. But per dollar spent its hard to beat Greenleaf nutrients line. I use the two part now but used the one part for many years before the two part came out. I have also used sweet candy and will continue to. That’s for the indoor ladies in the autopot System. Outside I’m using Gaia green veg and flower when needed. So far happy with Gaia green will use next year with my photos if I do autos again I’ll probably pick up roots organics dry pack of veg and flower as it’s faster to break down and doesn’t feed as long so it’ll be easier for autos I think. So far the autos look great with the Gaia green though.


Been pooping and peeing directly in the plants with excellent results. Not really but some people here really like peeing in their plants :laughing:


Is it stupid if it works? I can’t decide if the Mordecai method is a logical progression of DWC or the organic composition would cause horrible root slimes.


This is a veg mix. I won’t list the measurements and salts used but I could if somebody would like to know but the elemental ppm is as follows



Any input at all is appreciated !

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@SeymourGreen first of all, overall very nice recipe! I think with the recipe, you don’t have to discriminate veg nutrients and gen nutrients. You can use one as all round and yours seem to fit well!

Some questions
I guess those numbers are in 1L of water? and you get approximately 2.1 EC?
I wonder if you encounter any deficiencies haha
Because it can work fantastic, even though it has a different recipe to me, which is obvious.
If you let me know I can tune more. or maybe pics if that works, otherwise 0 pressure!

However, I want to carefully consider the amount of S and microelements in the recipe.
Both are excessive. You can cut it down to half but some higher.

Just direction-wise.
S: Cut down half (I believe it is challenging to lower it due to available chemical substances. Perhaps high S comes from your Potassium Sulfate and Mg Sulfate. You can lower both K and Mg. Otherwise, you can also find other sources of K and Mg such as Magnesium Nitrate and Potassium Nitrate but depending on the region/country it is hard to source it as a retailer.)
Mn: Should cut down half
Zn: Can double it up
B: Also should cut down half

Just in case saying…for microelements, use sulfate form besides Fe sources. So Chelate form for Fe and the rest sulfate form because that is way cheaper and only Fe is an ass when you don’t use chelate form but others are fine.

Also, I use mmol/L and umol/L. Not exactly sure if I converted right (used chatGPT), maybe you can also double check it.

Macroelements (mmol/L):

  • N: 9.6380 mmol/L
  • P: 1.1300 mmol/L
  • K: 6.1384 mmol/L
  • Ca: 3.9922 mmol/L
  • Mg: 3.2915 mmol/L
  • S: 5.1466 mmol/L
  • Si: 0.6516 mmol/L

Microelements (µmol/L):

  • Fe: 56.2271 µmol/L
  • B: 139.6855 µmol/L
  • Mn: 16.2001 µmol/L
  • Zn: 2.7378 µmol/L
  • Mo: 0.2804 µmol/L
  • Cu: 3.1867 µmol/L

Anyone remember the recipe
Cadillac from green Coast back in the 1990s
It was like 10 or so different bottles
Multiple companies
So f crazy

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Ok here it is

A buddy of mine the original owners of cespe creek delivery in Ventura ran this an yes buds were amazing but that’s a lot of money plus it was hps power bills holly smokes bat :bat:


there are two main ones:
Humbolt County’s Own _ there whole line (can get a sample box of for $15.00 - 7 bottles’)
Rock Organic nutrients - liquid grow and Bloom with HP or
uprising Foundation - with uprising Grow and Uprising Bloom
( can’t believe the organic material that make it up _ everything imaginable )

some additives:
Microbical Mass
terpinator / Purlator
Hygrozyme / Hygroben / Hyshield
Arzos / Myco (Extreme Gardening)
Liquid Gold ( Build-a-Soil)
Alaska Fish Fert (grow) and a (bloom)
Massive Bloom (Green Planet)
Dyna Grow - complete line - for hydro
KISS Nutrient for top soil dressing (Happy Frog /Detroit Nutrient Company /Ocean Blend base medium)

That mix looks like MaxiGrow+calimagic+epsom but almost double the K and extra iron :thinking:
Maybe Jack’s 3-2-1 with added calmag and something else?

Ratio seems to come out to ~ 4 : 1 : 7 : 5 : 2 for N/P/K/Ca/Mg

I prefer something closer to 1.5 : 2 : 3 : 3 : 1 myself but there’s more than one way to get 'er done ^^


Yes. These measurements are in grams per gallon and it mixes up to about 1.9 EC. I do agree S is excessive but I can’t seem to lower it with the salts I have on hand and I do have most salts. I know it doesn’t really cause antagonism but I personally don’t like it that high. My micro ratios are pretty much based off of Harley Smith’s recommendation. I’ll try and post the chart when I find it. Not really having any deficiencies at the moment. I will take pics when I get home.

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Does it? How much per gallon? I have it all written down in a notebook at home the elemental ppm of most nutrients from .25 a gram per gallon onward to about 7 or 8 grams per gallon. I’ll have to check and see.