What Nutrients Do You Prefer?

Some people make their mixes so complex! I can’t keep track of all that. It’s far too much work! My best results always come from the simplest regimens. After many years of struggling to understand nutes, amendments, etc. I landed on what I call MY 3 part regimen…bloom, veg and ph down. Occasionally I like to add a small handful of epsom to the mix if I feel like a plant needs a boost of funk. That’s really all you need.

Botanicare is a 1-part line. Veg for veg, bloom for bloom. No mixing. It literally does not get simpler.


Anyone here ever tried Rooted Leaf?

I try to rely on good soil as much as possible, but I also like JADAM inputs like jlf and jms, they’re surprisingly powerful. Besides that, I like to use dyna-gro foliage pro in small doses as a quick fix when younger starts are looking a little hungry, and osmocote indoor outdoor plus in small pinches to supplement my soil once the girls are transplanted outside. Shout out to @OldUncleBen for turning me on to the osmocote, real good stuff. I’ve started using it all over the garden

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Botanicare for the win. I have their calmag too but rarely use it.


same. it actually has a negative effect on my roots in a dwc setup, because the blackstrap collects on the roots and leaves a coating so thick they can’t respirate or absorb other nutes


I like Roots organics for coco/soil, and General Hydroponics for hydro and an occasional feeding to coco… I swear by Ionics hardwater formula for my DWC, but can’t get them here anymore except online…and the shipping is a killer!
Outdoors though, I use a rather unconventional mix- and my ladies love it!
I use Espoma Granular organic fertilizer (plant tone) mixed into the soil at planting, along with some Pappa’s Perfect Poop… then top-dress with Espoma Flower-tone and more Pappas when they start to bloom. Toward the end of bloom I give them Roots Terpene Tea as a booster. I ALWAYS mix in powdered beneficial microbes when they go into the ground so it is in direct contact with the rootball.


I do understand you
If you can’t get the substances i mentioned it is bit hard to lower S. Just that you can lower K and Mg much compare to your recipe, which means you can lower S. Am pretty sure your main S source is coming from potassium sulfate and epsom salt. Or perhaps some of compound substances like jack or w/e may have already high S, which is coming from potassium sulfate and epsom salt (magnesium sulfate). Anyway, will see what we can do! Lowering S, you’ll benefit alot. It has relation to do with EC and water uptake.

Keep me updated with the pics! Have some more to talk about including micro elements but I’ll slow down for now😁

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I do have the salts you mention. I will post the recipe and some pics when I get home from work.

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Here’s a link to the thread that helped me base my recipe. A long read but very informative.

Sorry for my ugly feet lol! :nauseated_face:



Plants look like doing well in terms of nutrient deficiency! So that is perfect

Is it the first time testing the recipe? If you have ran before def would love to see wk2-5 flowering pics and the late phase. Think those pics will tell us alot more!

Just FYI,
High S is not a big problem in terms of nutrient lock out or sht like that. But overall high EC due to high S is not a favorable thing.

However, high Mg can hinder Ca then you’ll see lankier growth as well as more of tip burn and poor flower formation. This is smth annoying and imbalance in the recipe. So def worth keep on eyes about those!

I get that some peop tend to put high Mg due to often occuring Mg deficiency but that is really often related to irrigation, pH of rootzone and sink/source balance of plant instead of recipe having low Mg.

In addition, one doesn’t need separate veg recipe and flowering recipe. It is more of marketing scheme.
But its also more of personal taste as well so I’ll leave it up to your decision obviously!

In my opinion, it is cooler to have one universal veg/flo recipe haha so i do in the way.


But yea anyway, at this point i’m repeating the same thing again and again, don’t want to bother others so lets see how the recipe performs in the flowering phase😁

Def veg pics look good!


I got my water tested and bought a fertiliser based on the results.

3.75gr/gallon + 1gr/gall of epsom+gypsum. throughout the grow. constant. I think I’ll try one without the extras next.

Osomocote shows great promise too.

This is on hp promix + osmo


I have ran this mix since may with my last crop. I just lower N and usually increase K a bit. I also follow the 3,2,1 K:Ca:Mg ratio to lessen the chance of antagonism. Didn’t have any deficiencies then either. I’m more worried about excess accumulation than actual deficiencies or antagonism. I usually don’t take many pic’s because I’m always strapped for time. I’ll do my best to document closer to flower.


I mostly use Down to Earth organic dry amendments. Maybe a few other things too.

I understand your point
If no deficiency then that’s already good for sure

Excessive accumulation, you better worry more of EC then recipe itself so that’s even easier!
Guess you already have a good recipe!

One question I have. Is that 3:2:1 famous ratio?

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I would say it’s the standard ratio for K,Ca, and Mg in hydroponics. Some even do a 4/2/1. This was all recommended to me by a few commercial growers. The higher K is supposed to help with achieving a higher brix percentage but that’s something I struggle with at the moment. A lot of my conclusions are based on the recommendations in the article I provided the link to.


This formula mixes up between 1.9 and 2.0 EC. I Will use less water and feed at a higher EC when transplanting clones into fresh Coco in order to fill the cation sites. If I don’t feed at the higher EC, I have deficiencies within days. Once the cation sites are filled I’m monitor runoff EC and pH and adjust accordingly. I really don’t deal with many deficiencies or issues other than minor tip burn and some purple stems when I place the plants under a higher PFD.


Just got a bag of the Mega Crop One to try out this grow. I’ve heard good things about it so…

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Im gonna give crop salt a try. I cant even remember what rabbit hole i went down but on paper it looks pretty damned complete. Little pricey but i’ll take a swing. Came in yesterday

I noticed it doesnt have silica. I was always in the camp that silica was essential, was I wrong?