Manual Like Override.
I only saved that amount last season, but I know I have two years ago around here somewhere as well. They were still sitting right on the shelf where I left them last season. lol
@LED_Seedz or anybody,
Here’s a list of things I have extras of:
-St Johnswort
-Tobacco (Delgold or Regular)
-Pepper (long red cayenne)
-Alpine strawberry
-Lemonella balm
-red sage (Chinese sage)
-African Cucumber (horned melon)
-Morning Glory (true blue)
-Purple coneflower (echinacea)
-Watermelon (crimson sweet)
-Ground cherry (tomato family)
- cockscomb
-Swiss Chard (var. bright lights)
-Senega (chinese)
-four o’ clocks
-poppy ‘somniferum’ (illegal in US)
I also have some beautiful Foxglove or ‘digitalis’ (Bi-annual).
Edit (sorry guys lol)
Just found some purple-leaf / red flower canna lily seeds too
So, I’m guessing you really want to trade, huh?
Great opportunity to clean out the crisper drawers too
Both drawers…all seeds.
What would it take to get a few of those caster beans @LED_Seedz ? I’ll even pay the shipping…
@99PerCent Nice, it finally took root than?
@Scissor-Hanz @stain hit me with your digits and I’ll send them out.
More than I know what to do with, now that my Mother and Father in law have died this year!
Just saved a beautiful Christmas Cactus as well, and many others, such as Rosemary and Geranium.
I have a fourteen YO B Cappi vine, a couple kind of Spiders, several cacti, and some fungi.
I love the life in the home!
Sorry for the loss of your parents.
The plants will outlive us all, with any luck.
Looking forward to your pics.
Thank you 99PerCent!
The Canadian hemlocks are now dropping their seed filled cones. They are beautiful and pretty fast growers too. I’ve collected a few if anybody wants some. Some people even use them for bonsai.
Too soon for me…
What you got there?
Cold crops?
Poppy. I was just testing the germination on some old seeds. Turns out they’re good I haven’t started any vegetables yet either. Can’t wait though. Still have a foot of snow here
I had a tomato volunteer from the indoor compost.
Apparently, you can jiggle the flowers and get fruit. If it isn’t too huge, might try it.