What Other Plants Do You Have?

thank you!
although nurseries rarely carry them, they are easily found online.
they do have very specific requirements, the main thing is that they must have distilled or rain water… or RO water works as well. tds must be below 100 ppm.
nice to see OG back in business!
i missed this place.


IMG_8442 IMG_8439 IMG_8441 IMG_8436 IMG_8422


Is that a passion vine flower in the bottom pic? Nice plumerias too!

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Thanks they are doing well a.t.m. The other is a cactus/succulent that grows well in containers here.I’ll put some more pics of it up later…


looks like a corpse flower. stapelia species.

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It took covid to finally get me to get my ish together and plant these carnivorous plant seeds. Had them for a few months now.

  1. D. Finlay
  2. Capensis Alba
  3. D. Capensis
  4. Sundew mix
  5. D. Spatulata

    1:1 peat to perlite rinsed in distilled water

    The seeds were so small, I was afraid to breath when I opened the first packet…so unfortunately, no pics.
    Filled the solos with the medium, placed them into their trays and filled the trays with about 0.75" of standing water. Covered with wrap and placed into the veg fridge. Very warm (+28c or more)and humid (probably 90-100%).

My mango tree knows it’s spring…


Variety of different iris in bloom


what is the purple one in the first pic called?

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It’s a dwarf iris from Shriners iris gardens, I forget the exact name but they have tons of breathtaking varieties.


brb, redoing all my flower beds with crazy irises lol
if i find the one i asked about, ill post it. thanks for the info

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Those are AMAZING! So pretty!

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Gardeners World is a 50-yr old gem :gem: and my favorite TV show on the planet. Nigel :service_dog: helped me through the loss of my last dog & he won’t be forgotten. :rainbow: :cookie:



Hey dudes, I’m new. I got a few cactus and succulents and I’m in the process of trying to clone a saguaro.


Lol…trade me a Peruvian Torch cutting for 100 seeds!!..lol…jk
Nice collection!!
Welcome to OG!!!

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Just checked on my carnivorous plant project. It’s been a month or 2 since this was started, so glad to see some life!
Check it out…things are smaller than a pinhead…the seeds looked like dust…I was scared to breath when planting them.



Lol…here’s a lighter for scale

And this one already has dew drops, or as they call them in the carnivorous plant community, trichomes…lol.


Some hydrangeas still deciding which colour to have, damned bees … :sweat_smile:


I tried to grow Brazilian and Peruvian torch from seeds with no luck :sleepy:


I would like that. The pods are dried out and I can send them whenever you like. I was in Tucson at a beautiful nursery called Greenthings and one of the cactus growers said that I could root a clone from just a chunk as long as it has some skin and spines. He said they can start off with multiple stalks or branches from that piece so I could possibly send a rooted chunk or two. Gonna go back and cut some pieces tomorrow.


Whoa, I was kidding, but that would be awesome!!!
Lemme know what I need to do…lol

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