What Other Plants Do You Have?

for @Budafly :butterfly: - i’ll be ripping these out soon since they’re almost done & the bugs they draw to my weed are mostly no bueno in that state.


:evergreen_tree: not too into pink, myself


Meesh and this thread inspired me to share some pictures of the yard. Yes, my address really is 420 and I guaran-damn-tee more weed has been smoked here than any other house on the block. It is very hot and dry here so not everything is lush and healthy.


@cannabissequoia they look great, I see wat u mean about it being dead hell season i think u called it, no bueno indeed about the bugs I’ve been really careful not to bring any of the outside plants in for that exact reason. When they start dying I’ve just been cutting them off and feeding them to my bearded dragon :lizard: his favorite so far have been the impatiens.


Finally buried my potatoes for the last time and now I wait for them to go into flower. Much better than last year when they got here and died after a month almost. They’ve stayed happy despite the negligence. I don’t even water them anymore. It’s been raining a lot the last week, but even before that they just seem happier when I don’t water outside of 8oz during a drought last month a week before any rain fell. I buried them on my birthday and the Next day they already were 4 inches above the soil. I bury them all the way to the growth tip outside of this last time when it wasn’t possible without adding something to the top of the pot.

The soil is a mix of 1 CF coast of Maine organic potting soil bar harbor blend, 1 CF coast of Maine organic lobster compost quoddy blend, 1 cup happy frog acid loving fertilizer dry amendment, and 10 one inch pot coco coir pellets. Inoculated with a cup of soil from the Lucky’s dry soil, a cup of soil from the 20 gallon pot, a cup of soil from Marauder’s 15 gallon pot, a cup of soil from the potatoes last soil, and all the soil from dbhp 15 gallon pot. 2 weeks of mixing up the soil until it stopped heating up and finished cooking.

Something I want to experiment around with is gel water. Not polymers, but the 4th phase of water. Think cytoplasm and chia seed gel. Both are water in the gel phase.


Celery seedlings and poblano peppers starting to form.


:four_leaf_clover: and sage/salvia ‘wendy’s wish’ :herb:



just a few in the yard


Apparently I have this sacred basil determined to live :sweat_smile: it sprouted months back at the beginning of April. It’s just been like that until this last week and then I check on it again and it got it’s top eaten off yet it just champed on and made 2 more as a seedling :sweat_smile: I bought some heirloom Tulsi as well. Not really as a comparison as that will be after I’ve taken care of each one enough to get them grown stress free. Basil in my hands for some reason craves dirt instead of soil like assholes. They won’t grow for me unless it’s arid soil ugh. When it rains even they stop growing until the soil dries up fully again. Sadly they usually just die if I water regularly, but I have one batch of basil growing inside now that just sprouted and I’ll see how long they last in the exact same conditions and medium as my mother uses with no problems :sweat_smile: it’s confusing really why mint plants misbehave for me.

Edit: forgot pics :rofl:

It looks much darker in pics for the soil. It’s completely dry and crumbly if disturbed at all.

Basil growing with marigold companion in outdoor container


Well I have some hedges in my front yard but I dont think that’s the answer you’re looking for :joy:

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It’s 108*F outside right now and look at this baby. You’re very right, they don’t like my nice garden soil. They just turn black and die. I have to use the clay/gravel top layer of Desert dirt from the yard and some compost so that water will actually pass through it in a container.


No lie in at a total loss for words. My whole family takes care of them like the packets say and most Youtube videos agree with. Yet apparently our Basil decides it wants to be different :rofl:

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Poblano pepper flower


pot of marigolds


Radish rising


First three morning glories of the year. I feel like they’re late. Is it late?


Mine haven’t bloomed yet but are getting ready to and I’m on the west coast.






Cut some basil for eggplant lasagna with meatballs