What Other Plants Do You Have?

Outdoor comfrey regrowth after shock of high heat and humidity when it was moved from the patio to backyard.


Oregano gaining height


poblano pepper continues to fruit

Found this Buffalo Soldier in the peppers bucket after new top dressing was added


A Tale of 3 Okra …
Baby Tyson Okra took a hit during last thunderstorm. Wonder Woman Okra is standing strong. The Potted Okra is growing above its radish and basil companions.


Indoor comfrey plant


First one of the year! This is St Rita


My Comfrey likes part shade


My Nana always kept it right on the windowsill in a jar of water. Very hardy outside in AZ even. She called it the Wandering Jew which is a reference to Jesus I guess. I say Purple Jesus or Wandering Heart are both way better names.


Flower on Purple Heart plant


Purple Russian Tomatoes show first flower after growing new vines. These plants were beaten by hurricanes and lost first set of flowers. Hoping they survive the hurricane season and produce tomatoes and seed for next year.


Oregano plant graduated to a tomato cage today.


I love looking at folk’s gardens or pics of gardens and seeing mixed in with the compost the random hydroton pellets thats kind of a dead give away of a fellow “gardner”


The hydroton also provides surface area for microbes in living soil and aeration for soil.


I like this topic, we have quite a few plants been thinking about shelving up around my living room to keep the cats out of them, some are hanging in baskets we’ve lost a few due to our devil cat. I’m not to sure what they all are but my girlfriend knows, I do the cannabis gardening and she does the rest with some of my help and guidance.

This is a Hoya I think.

This is some sort of coffee bean plant

This is some sort of tree/plant we got from my girlfriends father he wasn’t really able to care for it properly and offered it to us it was severely over watered it was like a bowl of soup, i absorbed what I could and left it on the deck but under the over hang so rain couldn’t get it, doing great now.

This one I’m unsure what it is . This one is really special to my girlfriend cause it’s a cut from a plant that’s been around for ever, her great grandmother had it than her grandmother and she was able to get a cut… it wasn’t doing so well but a friend had one and gave her a cut of it and she planted with this one, so this is 2 different plants in one pot but once they were put together they just went nuts i wish i had a before pic. I dunno of they’re reproducing but they’re is new little ones growing in the mix.

I have no idea what these 3 are.

This is a big Aloe plant that was left in our house when we bought it, they weren’t able to bring it and said we are welcome to have it or they could just toss it… definitely couldn’t let it go into the trash so it got adopted .

These are some seeds we had with our other veggie seeds that weren’t labeled still dunno what they are but they have a really big and cool stalk.

And this one is really cool. This was just a pot of soil in early summer that we weren’t going to use my oldest daughter (10) wanted to plant a avocado seed from an avocado so we said go ahead thinking it likely wouldn’t grow it sat there for over a month with nothing happening then one day something was coming up, this is it now.
We have other random stuff around like tomatoes and wild flower’s and lots of cool shrubs and trees and stuff around the yard i don’t have pics of yet.

Edit: we also have a bunch of random orchids throughout the house.


I grew basil and marigolds as companion plants in the vegetable garden. I added the companion seeds to the vegetable containers and grew them together. There are no mosquitoes, aphids or caterpillars.

I have learned that most people grow the companion plants in their own containers or as a border if their vegetables are in the ground.

I watch the flying insects and have identified small bees, wasps and hoverflies. The bees prefer flowers on basil, purple heart and marigolds; rarely land on pepper or tomato flowers. The wasps and hoverflies land on everything. All flying insects show up after watering with hose; the hoverflies will drink from the pavement but the other insects drink from the wet plants.

The things you learn drinking coffee :coffee: in the garden.


Exactly. :rose: To hell with cubicles! :desktop_computer: :hammer:




I’m an avid garden coffee drinker myself

Cheers! :coffee:





