What Other Plants Do You Have?

A couple of Mangrove seeds from the local beach are rooting in tap water. My ginger is starting to bud. I will pot them and post pictures when there is something to see.


San Pedro



Wow! Snow! It’s like 75 degrees here!


The poblano is putting out new peppers in the top section that was attacked by hornworms. I cut larger ones to cook with salmon. Please post a picture of your peppers :hot_pepper: when you have time.

5 gallon bucket is perfect size against wind and rain; it doesn’t topple over. It’s been raining hard most of the day. My bell peppers are fruiting in a pot of oregano and its hard to top dress. The backyard container plants will get a sprouted seed tea blended with some goodies; soil drenching is easier way to feed them.


I have a very short garden thief eating the bottoms of kale leaves from a pot sitting on the pavement. His accomplice, the fertilizer thief, is tall enough to dig a kale plant out of 1 gallon nursery pot and nibble fish meal bone meal bat guano battered earthworm castings in search of a meat dish. I have watched a feral cat stalk the pepper plant after it was sprayed with LABS in search of milk :milk_glass: and seemed confused when there was none. A cat may have dug through the pot seeking treasure after the fish and meat scents. I think a turtle ate the low leaves of kale. Just glad that there’s enough for everyone.

I harvested some kale from the unmolested plants, the lone okra and several poblano peppers as companions for a Delmonico steak.

There’s a hurricane warning so I’m going to Home Depot for seeds of mint, kale and nasturtium. I wonder :thinking: if the turtle likes chard?


Possums dig up my pansies for some reason.

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I identified the spider that made a zipline between the poblano pepper and okra plant. It’s a blue orb spider with red spikes.

I found a photo online that is better than my blurry closeup:


I’m a plant freak. Not just cannabis. Here’s just a couple shelves of random plants growing in the basement.

Aloe, rosemary, sage, and a lemon tree a relative from Florida brought me. Growing wild in their yard. It’s flowering this week!
I have another lemon they brought me. It’s got about 5 small lemons on it now! :sunglasses:

Just started for the kitchen window edible garden… some Basil, Cilantro, and Spinach.


Mung beans are sprouting to make sprouted seed tea for the backyard container plants. The sprouts will be blended with comfrey extract, calmag, silica and coffee grounds. It will be used to feed basil, comfrey, kale and poblano peppers.


Plants are taking the colder temperature in stride


I had ginger root soaking in tap water. One piece sprouted a stem with leaves and was planted in a 3 gallon pot today. The other 2 pieces are debating; I might plant these in smaller pots and see if a dirt nap encourages growth.


One of my more favorite plants that I have is this beautiful adenium also known as the desert rose


I just got over 50 feet of San Pedro last week, and then got this today:

Two 9ft tall columns. Hopefully I’ll be sending out a lot of cuttings to people this spring!


What trichocereus is that? That looks very strange. I’m unfamiliar with that, I think?

Edit: whoops, it’s a cereus. The copycat San Pedro :stuck_out_tongue:

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Fig trees oustside in zone 5, 2 Bonsais, Pineapples, Venus Fly Traps, Orchids, worlds record hottest peppers Carolina Reapers flowering and producing peppers etc.


I’ve shown a few of you this already, but I enjoy growing carnivorous plants…


How do you put your photos in frames (instead of vertically) like that?

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Here you go bromigo

New gallery layout - The Grid


Appreciate it!