What pot size should i use to make F2 seeds?

I am thinking to create F2 from Bodhi MoreCowbell. What would be the best option that wont take that much of space with pot size? Like what would be the minimum that i could create healthy seeds?



You could make healthy seeds with solo cup size containers with diligent watering.

I like viagrow one gallon grow bags. Tall and skinny = small foot print and plenty of space for enough medium to grow whatever size plant you want.


Plus 1

Smallest I used was 3", but my go to is half gal-full gal


You can grow any size plant in any size pot, within reason, as long as you water and feed it right.

I’d go with 1G if you plan to keep it relatively small.


Yeah :grinning: i was thinking to put them in half a gal and veg them for about 2 weeks then put them in flower :grinning: medium will be wormcasting and compost :grinning: thanks

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You’ll need plenty of aeration with that mix or it’ll be a soggy mess.
What kind of nutrients are you planning on?


I always try to keep the transplanting down to a minimum… less stress on your plants…

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I forgot i will add 30% perlite to that mix😀 i am more no till organic person so i will add some molassis and algae😀 also will add some FPJ


Had seeds growing in this beer cup. If I would have only knew then what I know now I would have grew them out.


Let me point this, it depends on the compost! You can make aerated compost easily by adding whole plants/woodchips(sawdust too)/and even roots from the plants, myself in my veggie patch I have pure compost(+20years of throwing kitchen scraps and plant scraps while the soil was worked and used), and it rested for +4 years from last year that I got here, I also made a patch where I threw everything(urtica ferment, scraps, mushroom spawn and wasted bags, chicken manure…), And since last year im using that soil, ive tried 50%light mix with my soil, good mix, but the best one it was 100% soil, and a proof of the good soil is that literally Ive been this whole time without giving them bottle nutes, and I got really nice harvests(no bigass colas but quality buds), in fact, ive smoked some buds testing quick drying, and it even tastes good! No harsh smoke no nothing!

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And related to the pot size, I work in L and if you want to give some veg then 3L is good, if you go directly 12/12 you can go with 1L with np ime, also, in my knowledge(which it could be wrong obviously), transplanting is beneficial to the plants, remember there is good stress, like the one that makes plants get icy, tho i wont do more than 3 transplants(seedling pot, veg pot and then flower pot)

Don’t need it. It’ll only get soggy if you overwater.
Just mix your soil very well so it’s very fluffy and you’ll be fine.
People are way too obsessed with perlite, someone start a Perlite Anonymous.
My name is Anon and I am addicted to adding perlite to my soil.


200 gallons, minimum.

Unless you don’t want to use that much.

In which case just substitute with your favorite size flowering pot; because the happier your plants are the higher quality seeds you’ll produce.


Hehe thanks😀 will try without it

I’m a hobby breeder and do it a lot. I use smallish plants to breed with and usually get over 100 seeds and use a 1 gallon plastic pot with holes added. If I go cloth bags I would use 2 gallon because they dry out fast in small sizes.

I have a intention to put them in clothe bags but will take a plastic ones :grinning: i know that in clothe bags plants roots get more oxygen but i think that volume here counts​:smiley: tanks