What’s my problem with this yellowing

Fungus gnats are annoying but easy to deal with and not harmful unless they get really out of hand or the seedlings are tiny newborns. They have around a 2 week life cycle and they depend on having the top inch or two of soil moist where they lay their eggs. You can search up threads on how to deal with them there are various ways.
I am not sure where they came from, but I have a colony of “hypoaspis miles” predator mites in my pots right now and they kill all the other insects including gnat larvae.

Some of the newer foliage is looking this way, is that just overwatering?


It’s just a young plant, in a medium that is a tad hot for it now.
As your plants increases it’s root mass that wrinkle will smooth out.
This why I do not use the pre fertilized mixes, for the young, myself.
Water, till a bit of run off shows in your saucer, or out from under your pots, and stop.
Take care.


Are the sticky fly trap safe to be in tent?


yes they are dude!!!

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Not only are they safe, they are 100% neccessary. Also grab some “Microbe-Lift BMC” add 1-drop per gallon, every watering. Store in a cool spot :+1:

Link to one’s on Amazon you recommend? So many

Link to traps you recommend so many on Amazon

Lot of drooping leaves. Is this a nutrient deficiency? I haven’t watered for about 24 hours and not all have perked up yet. I can’t imagine I was that overwatered?

You can lay these down across your pots

And here is the 1-drop per gallon Microbe-Lift BMC. (If you’re dealing with heavy infestation, go 2-3 drops, 1 drop is just daily maintenance).


What is that stuff for? Never heard of it. Won’t hurt plant? Feed through flowering?

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Hey dude, you must be damn worried but we all will figure it out together, don’t worry about it.

The symptom is 100% related to water balance.

Can I ask what is your condition in the grow tent?

It is great stuff. Gonzo told me about it as I was struggling with the worst fungus gnat invasion I’ve ever had. I had tried Gnatrol, peroxide, cinnamon and sticky traps but wasn’t making any gains on curbing their numbers. The Microbe lift showed a big decrease in their numbers after about a week or so and has pretty much wiped them out after a few weeks. Totally safe for the plants from what I’ve read and seen. You have to have the sticky traps to get the flyers and let the Microbe lift kill the larvae to interrupt the life cycle of the gnats.

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Something I can assume without info than just a picture, the tight inter-nodal spacing suggests lower water availability or lower respiration.

Starting from here we can assume if your plant has a problem due to higher water output or lower water output.

First need to know the radiation energy input so your light intensity. If there is no measurement, you can tell me your light efficacy (umol/J).
Second need to know convection energy input so your room temperature and whether there is active air control or not.
Third, need to know the relative humidity. It is for water availability and humidity deficit in the chamber.

Can you perhaps provide some numbers for those?

What us the RH in your grow space?

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Approx 71.5-72.5 Fahrenheit with 64-66 RH

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Do you use any fan or ventilatiion?

Not sure on umol/j stuff but I am running a photontek 600w at 70% and max height

Conditions in tent are
Approx 71.5-72.5 Fahrenheit with 64-66 RH

Have an exhaust fan running and an oscilating fan inside on canopy.

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Oscilating and ac infinity 6” to exhaust

I recommend to turn off every fans including exhaust and oscillating fan inside. I believe you’ll see problem improving within a day or two.

RH is little low for the current plants condition. Plants need more buffer from higher water availability.
Let both RH and Temp increase by not running the fans at all.
Also, those active fans are too heavy for small plants. Too much transpiration causes morphological disorder on the stomata.

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