What’s my problem with this yellowing

Light intensity wise, it is a bit hard to assume but if it is over a meter distance from plants, anyway it will not be too much light.

However, later when you want you can keep the light closer to the plants and dim down the light. You’ll save energy costs and achieve the same result unless the light source does not have full coverage in the tent.

Lastly, about watering, it is hard to say it without knowing the water contents or tracking the weight of the substrate (pot). However, if your pot is over 7L in peat moss or coco with organic matter, you won’t need to water more than once in three days for now.

Yup, Add 1 drop per gallon, shake well, from start to finish of plant. Perfectly safe for plant, kills all fungus gnat larvae, doesn’t mess with anything else :+1:

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Approx 71.5-72.5 Fahrenheit with 64-66 RH

Lumatek 600w @ 70%

I could go closer and dim it down (I was doing that) but needed to raise it and light Dimming to get my temp over 70*

Pots are in 3g vivosun fabric pots so I think what 11 liters?

When I water I’m not measuring how much of said water just dumping in solo cups. Is there a measurement I should go off?

Water is tap water ph to 6.3-6.4 with no nutes

Active fan? Oscilating? You mean? I had exhaust off but RH becomes 76-80 isn’t that way to high?

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It is way better to have higher temperature than 22’C and higher humidity. You can believe me. The higher temp it is plants grow faster and higher humidity is the buffer that helps plants to not stress from surrounding disturbance.

If it is 11 liters you can relax with watering. With current status you don’t have to water more than once a week. Also, as it is peat moss better avoid any high EC of feeding. Make sure don’t exceed around 1.4EC for peat moss.

Normally watering wise, you should water until you see drainage. But if you lift up the pot and it is not so light, just don’t water it for now. We can wait until they recover from water stress first.

If you are keeping light close to plants let’s say 30cm distance-ish, you can dim down to 20% of your maximum light intensity at the moment. You can keep it even closer like few cm distance but first gotta make plants to recover.

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Right now fans are the one driving the water stress. I’m very confidence with it unless light intensity being too high.

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Btw, if plants have little reddish brownish colour coming out in between veins. Most likely, they aren’t gotta recover and spotted leaves or shoots will die off in a day. In the case it has to do with overwatering or fusarium but as you highly doubt you over watered, it must be fine.

Just keep eyes on leaves and shoots, if they start turning reddish/brownish. Unless then chill.

keep exhaust fan on at all times…just take Osc fan away from canopy tops and circulate air movement within room…I never personally use fans on seedlings and younguns…they not ready!!!

I meant to turn off both exhaust fan and oscilating fans.

So one guys says take the fans all off and one says leave on ugh so lost :rofl:

haha it’s up to you what to believe but I study plant physiology and climate control


I compromised and set the exhaust to run for only 1min every 30m. Also only one plant seems to have any red in leaf center. I attached photo. Also I attached photo of my worse plant as far as yellowing and dropping leaves. First two photos yellowing and last two are the red/brown between leaf

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That is also a great idea!

Though the second last picture looks little scary but it is hard to say much atm. Not sure if it is just chlorosis in between veins or something worse. The reddish/brownish color is that plant cell dying off and progress really quickly so if it doesn’t get so much worse in a day or two, don’t worry too much about it.

If it is just losing greens in between veins, it’s gonna be simply Mg supply related but if it’s reddish/brownish dangerous. So let’s keep eyes on it!

You can see leaves turned brown in the center of the leaves. This is what I think is the worst thing that can happen right now but think like less likely it’s gonna happen.


Also apologize to everyone for so many questions. First timer and want to do well. :man_facepalming::man_shrugging:


You are doing good and for sure this forum exists to help each other. You made others useful basically haha
Hope the best luck to pull out some nice smoke!

Temp and humidity not to high?