What the F@#$ Have I done?

Thanks that makes total sense. I was worried I lost to much root mass. Luckily enough when I watered after transplant I just watered the outside edge of the pot and the soil with roots was dry. A little bit of mycos water and 2 hours later she was already looking happier.


Nothing beats hands on experience , win win
: )


And learning from the masters … beer3|nullxnull


Moving forward, if you even think that you might transplant, stay out of cloth bags until you are in the final growing place. You’d have had no problems at all with a plastic planter. Marijuana has very small roots that it practically interweaves with the base of a cloth bag.

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Thats great to hear its doing a bit better! Most plants seem like they can bounce back pretty easily if they were previously healthy. Ive had some lose a good bit of their rootballs by being too rough during transplant, but they usually snap out of it and recover. Lowering the intensity of the light, and not overfeeding/overwatering seemed to help pull them through.


Ok so new issue with my transplanted plant. Now the lower leaves are yellowing at an alarming rate. Is this possibly nutrient def or cause roots arent really pulling nutes yet from damage so plant is using the stored nutes in the leaves? Is there anything I can do besides let her ride? Would moving her to dimmer light slow the using up of stored nutes? Thanks again.

@emeraldgreen @blowdout2269 @JohnnyPotseed just tagged a couple of people who I consider knowledgeable there is many more but picked these.


The yellowing is usually due to lack of Nitrogen, brother. Use some Blood meal, top dressed around the stem, or even a liquified Nitrogen foliar. (in small does until the leaves start to turn greener again. The ones too badly yellowed, just pluck em off. The plant will be fine, usually. I use this in my water/feeding
i also use Blood meal


Thanks I forget to mention op. She was just transplanted about 4 days ago and lost half(maybe more) of the root mass transplant from a cloth bag didn’t go well. So the plant is already stressed and not happy also don’t want to overwater. I have blood meal I will add but do you have same recommendation with this knowledge? Thanks again @JohnnyPotseed

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It’s a pretty straightforward use, just sprinkle about 1/4 cup around the plant’s stem base. Although like I said, I use the Nitrogen supplement (pic above) more than anything else.
When ya water the plant, the Blood meal releases it’s magic into the soil to be absorbed by the roots.

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Cool thanks just making sure same suggestion knowing was just transplanted and had massive root mass loss. Thanks again

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When I up pot plants that are sometimes root bound, i cut a LOT of the root ball off, all sides and bottom. It actually helps them. I’d say probably half of it goes…

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It’s the same senario as befor
The roots can’t deliver the amount of nutes needed for that amount of plant mass ……… so it’s adjusting


That’s also why I suggest a foliar feeding for awhile.


Cool just making sure trying to save a plant and learn at the same time. Sorry if any redundant questions or seemingly simple questions it’s just my way of comprehending and learning.


There is no such thing as a bad question. lol It’s obvious you love your plants and wanted to make sure of their survival!!
They’ll recover and be fine, my friend.


We love questions
: )


Once you can visualise what’s going on in plant it can help a lot

Think of the roots as a pump
They send the fluid up plant building up the presure within the plant starting at the most important part the top and then as presure builds the buildup graduallay works it’s way down plant

So overwatering is plants start curling fans / leafs at very top first and then as presure builds further , curling progresses down plant
( curling is witch fingers , cuz too much heavy fluid in leafs making them curl and hang low )

Underwatering , plant will lose pressure at bottom of plant first bottom fan stems will not have the turgur to hold them up and then fans will wilt too and as presure keeps decreasing , floppyness will move up plant

Once you visualise that , think

How would removing roots affect that system

And at the other end of scale , what does defoliation do and how does that affect system

and what will this affect then lead too ( like say ppm of nutes needed )

Etc etc


Okay all answered by the time I get here :rofl:


Wish I could understand the plant as you do … hats off


That’s it , what I wrote , easy peasy

No need for big science words to confuse us @George

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