What the hell is eating my plant and how do i kill them

Oh well that sucks. I thought they needed the medium to complete the cycle.

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What about folier canna cure ( protective barrier /coating )
Then next day folier spinosad ?

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yah the little thrips can be killed off with shit like pyrethins. The kind of stuff is extracted from chrysanthemum roots. Once it touched them, an hour later they are dead. Since the thrips are ovipositors the egg laying thing injects the egg into the tissues of the plant. ha hhah just barfing up some random info.

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If you pre wash your buds befor freezing and then make your world famous hash
Will that fail contamination test @JoeCrowe

If sprayed in veg ,not spraying buds in flower

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I actually never take the chance. 'Cause I’m a maniac I use my own home brewed method of killing the bugs that requires no poison. In a world where I had to choose, I wouldn’t use any of the substances on the banned substance list, which includes yummy things like spinosad and myclobutanil. Contact killing poison won’t be detected later, unless you spray it on your buds.


So would you never accept a clone of someone as you don’t know if it has been previously sprayed with spinosad ie mum and if clone grown and harvested it will fail test

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Sooooo it is NOT systemic or what? :crazy_face:


It’s both depending on how you use it.
edit: oops that was cryptic. Add to the roots, it’s systemic, spray on the plant it’s translaminar.


Is it symetic only if absorbed by roots
And if folier it’s not ? ( no wetting agent used )


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Thanks, so it will be systemic or eggs will laugh at you … :sweat_smile:


yah, see above sorry for my stupid cryptic reply, wasn’t thinking.

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@George , when those eggs hatch , they shall walk and be in contact with previous folier of spinosad and die anyway ?

Assuming spinosad lasts longer with led v hps etc as no uv ?

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If it’s spinosad it’ll enter the leaf tissues and the bug’ll eat it and die. If it’s contact poison you have to spray the bug again after it hatches.

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Man, you cannot beat them only with foliar spray, try other things or be a victim of lack of testing and clear scientific researching… :pray

Edit: in flower stage you won’t be able to spray and they will eat your arse … :see_no_evil:

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So with spinosad , they must eat it , it’s not contact killing also ?

In flower I would just ride it out
I would only use in veg @George

And only in emergency not as preventative, say twice in 4 years

I know, but there will still exist eggs hatching in your soil while flipping or bud starting … :expressionless:

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I spray 3 separate times a few days apart to get the new hatchlings as well so all wiped out befor going into flower

So would Johnny not accept clones of anyone
Even if he grow unknown clone turned that into mum and then flowered cuttings of that new mum ? Would that bud still fail contamination test ?
With original unknown clone was just folier spinosad the new cuttings from new mum would be okay
But if unknown clone was soil drenched then cuttings from new mum if flowered would they fail test ?

In veg I’m soil
But I bottom feed
So if I spray top of soil it would not be systemic as not near roots

When I got them last it was in flower. I really don’t like using anything but I said fuck it. I prefer ISO spray over anything else. If they’re small enough plants I’ll do ISO spray every or ever other day. That takes care of most pests. But I don’t spray anything in flower. I debated using the spinosad drench but I wouldn’t hesitate to use it again if I needed to.