What was your most powerful spiritual/psychedelic experience?

Lol, I’d never do that shit. Still stuck though.


exactly what I was thinking :rofl::rofl::rofl:


I used to dabble in blotter pretty consistently for a few years. For reasons unknown to me, I started really feeling in touch with “God” both while tripping, and for days after. Mind you, I am staunchly agnostic. It got to the point where I started collecting religious items. Once while on a head full of acid, I talked this girl into selling me a painting of Christ she had hanging on her wall. She didn’t want to give it up, but I was so adamant that I needed it, she finally caved. I later read that these spiritual revelations were common among psychonauts. I haven’t tripped in years, and that feeling I was getting during this span eventually subsided. More a funny anecdote than most powerful, but I sure have thought I was being ripped in half and freaked out multiple times on salvia. Drugs are weird :laughing:


Where did you hang this painting?


Salvia’s a hell of a drug(in my best Rick James voice) :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


It never went up! I had all this crap sitting in a pile in the corner of my closet. In hindsight, it was really bizarre, crazy behavior, but so rational during this period. Ended up giving it to my mother later as she’s a practicing Christian. I left out the backstory haha.


me and two friends rinsed a vial that contained a crystal one time. had no idea, we thought it was just liquid
first time i experienced the whole complete dissolution of reality thing. shit was wild. i was the only one that didnt completely lose his shit, which i attribute to the presence of live music and people intermittently bringing me water and candy. 10/10, would recommend


LMAO I have been laughing since I have read this :rofl: and to top it off I’m watching the episode on the Chappelle show right now OMG ROFL

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I was drunk and belligerent one day and insisted that some guy I didn’t know give me his baseball cap. He gave it to me just to make me go away. I don’t even wear baseball caps.

Not one of my finer moments.


Haha this made me laugh aloud! My drunk stories are certainly more shameful than any psychedelic story.


Fortunately these sorts of things don’t happen anymore and haven’t for awhile.


Amen brother. Amen!


Glad to make somebody smile, or in this case laugh, today :grin:

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Too many ridiculous drunken shenanigans in my teens and early 20’s to even get started down that road :rofl:

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This one time I did mushrooms before getting in line for a rave. I didn’t realize the lineup was an hour long. So 45 minutes in I run away and hide in the bushes, puke, and rejoin my friends in line just in time to get in.

Side note: don’t go to raves on mushrooms. Too trippy it’s unconfortable.


Hahaha! 2nd time I ate them, they messed up my stomach something really bad. As the peak was coming on, I ran to the bathroom and puked into the toilet. Sat there for probably 15 minutes having an internal debate on whether to eat them out of the toilet in order to not prematurely end my trip. Well, I didn’t, and I also didn’t stop tripping anytime soon. Never in my wildest dreams would I consider something like that, but 19 year old me full of psilocybin sure did. Gross…smh.


That’s hilarious. “But I don’t have any more…so…:face_vomiting:

I rarely do them these days but when I do it’s in a tea. Much easier on the stomach.


I don’t really like going anywhere on mushrooms anyway. L? Yes cause I’m much more functional and social if I’m not tripping out on something at the moment. Fungi make me want to melt and become one with the floor, bed, grass or other horizontal surface. Did the same at Phish’s farewell tour, ate some edibles and mushroom chocolates and ended up waiting in the will call line til about when the first set finished. It wasn’t terrible though, I was smoking with everyone. Had to step in between the windows at will call when it was my turn so I could hit the blunt that was just passed to me. Saw some dude climbed up a fence out of the writhing mass of bodies and I thought, “God it’d be nice to do that”. Worst part was they only let the folks who’s name the tickets were under stay in line so my crew had to wander off elsewhere. Luckily plenty of kind people around though


I find it’s a question of dose.

On 1 gram I’m functional and can have a good albeit fucked up time.

On 5 grams I want to be under the covers with the blinds drawn listening to soft music in the dark :rofl:

I actually have some and am now considering taking some…


This is the way! Little lemon to help activate it chefs kiss