What would you do?

2 1/2 weeks in flower
5 gallon/ Bioflower soil
4x4 - 6 plants
R/0 water @ 6.2-6.5 ph every 3 days plain.
I am nervous…
Growing experience in the 90’s -2000’s, this is my 3rd , in a row after 20 years.(flowering clones)(clones rule!, but the weird growth),.
Ok. Questions…
Should I add nutes?
I have Roots Organic Bloom terp tea.
I also have GH basic nutes.
Should I wait for signs, or boost the bitches!!


Forgot to add pics. :confused:



Aloha! Nice to see you diving back into growing after all these years. When it comes to nutes, it’s all about reading your plants. Keep an eye out for any signs of deficiencies or yellowing leaves. If they’re looking hungry, you can consider giving them a boost with Roots Organic Bloom terp tea or GH basic nutes. Start small and work your way up if needed.


Your plants look amazing and happy. I agree with @magic_wardrobe start small. Watch your leaf tips, they will get slightly burnt when your right where you need to be. Otherwise I would litfa. :+1:


Plants do look good :+1:
Very happy

Imho I fine week 3 and week 5 you should boost p and k
I use jacks 10/30/20
I actually start this regiment at first sign of bud development

I agree you need to read your plants but you also need to guide them to a proper finish and throughout the different stages of growth


Considering the LED and RO water, I don’t know if it would be good to add some cal/mag?
I’m not suggesting that, that’s more of a question for the more experienced.


I would generally advise people to go with gypsum and epsomite/epsom salts to be able to pull the calcium and magnesium levers separately.

They’ll work whether your grow is organic or salt-based, you can get coarser gypsum and epsomite and mix them into your media/soil, where they will dissolve over time. Or you can get solution grade gypsum and Epsom salts and those can be dissolved in water. They’ll also provide sulfur as an added benefit.


plants look good for sure, but under 40 watts/ft of LED, they’re gonna eat, especially now.

I would top-dress with this to start with :+1: