What ya think is going on in here? Plants not happy

I was looking at the hard angles too. It looks at least partly to some training of some kind. Is it a bleeder? Red sap too?


I’m pretty sure @Jetdro mentioned they were bushy and he didn’t LST them. Also weren’t you having trouble rooting cuts? I couldn’t get my infected plants to root like normal. Would take a long time and only about 1/2 or less would root.


I always LST, they were tied 9 ways to Sunday


Looking at pics however, i did not lst middle branch’s which appear as close to 90 as the ones i did.

Cant compare, all my WC is from one cut. All look the same.

You say i can get a test done? Im not in legal area


You would have to research it. When I had it, testing wasn’t readily available. Did your clone source have it tested? I know a lot of places will certify they don’t have it with the cuts.


can ask , if he responds…lets ee if his website says anything…called CLONIFY

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Personally, I would chuck the sad plants and try again. Maybe it’s the shit soil like you said. Also make sure you don’t share tools between plants. Sterilize them with 10% bleach for 2-5 minutes between cuts.


getting close to doing that. Gonna see about a test, give them one more week, if nothing changes you may be right .

THEN…no point in running the bunch of cuts i have and planned for next tent.

Need it tested i guess…find the REAL ISSUE…


If you check farmer freeman I think they do the virus tests also.

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cool, i like him, talked directly to him several times


Sure enough, that’s the route I would go…



Thank you, absolutely going to do it…

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I would flame clonify hard core if it comes back positive. Especially for the prices listed for MAC1. :exploding_head:


They started recently. About 3 maybe 4 months ago. It wasn’t even listed on the website, had to email them about it. Don’t ask me how i know!!! Haha


Don’t want to talk about it? You suffering from HpLVd PTSD too? :rofl:


That’s for sure. I had the tests done for mosaic virus and they came back negative, so the only thing left was hplvd. Won’t ever buy or take in another clone. Lost everything + the next 2 runs basically. I now use a new blade for each plant and gloves every single time I touch one! Freaked!


They came with mites…if you read my last grow, the mites came in on Wedding Cake, and infected my whole Mother tent and flower tent 2 which had to be industrial sprayed and taken 4 weeks early.

Got rid of the mites…have NEVER made the WC BW CM WB R Mac happy since. You know, real happy like my plants tend to be. All those are cuts that came from Clonify.

Looking back, MY stuff, MY from seed plants and cuts from MY seed run, are/were fine.

YEAH…IF i have HLV it 1000000000 x10 % came from there. I will make him pay living Hell and will have to make it up to me …TESTED CLEAN …or, since i just retired and have a bunch o free time now, i could absolutely fuck up his business and make him regret selling shit.

HOPE LIKE HELL it isnt , but looking close at that wedding cake, KNOWING how hard i have tried and i have never failed before, the hoops i have jumped through for these plants, makes me think there is a real strong possiblilty that may be my issue …

IF IT IS…i gotta throw EVERYTHING out??? All my other Mom’s from MY SEED RUNS???

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Tell me how it went please…had to lose EVERYONE???

I got the clone on strainly(space runtz). No symptoms of the virus for all Veg and maybe the first 2-3 weeks of flower. So it was about 3 months total of having the infected cut, I had to get rid of all my mothers as they are in the same 2x2 tent and leaves touch. It was 2 moms I have had for over 8yrs…


Will have to read, but thought they had to be cut open, not just touching or in same tent. NOT read up on it yet, hope i dont have to.

I just spent nesr a year a year seed hunting and setting up for a killer run.

Starting over would absolutely suck BIG DONKEY DICKS!!!

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