What ya think is going on in here? Plants not happy

It’s the worst feeling and makes you want to give up, then you smoke a shit load, contemplate for a few more days and start some more beans… at least I had to. My mom’s touched and i would pluck leaves once in a while or take a clone here or there. Showed on 3 of the 5 mom I had so I just gave up on all of them.

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All good @shag wasn’t sure on the mag nit foliar frequency. You ph your foliar? I fed 400ppm foliar @7.0. I’ve got clean saucers and pot risers so I can get good run-off #s too. I think my last run I needed to add a spot of lime part way in. Maybe. Gypsum, yup.
See what you did to me.

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Seeds: this is currently under research, but HLV has an 8% chance of being present in the seeds of an infected mother plant

Just stick a fork up my ass… :evergreen_tree:


You said they were improving with the foliar though?!. I’m still leaning to ph/root issue. Don’t freak out yet!!!


ill know in a week one way or the other

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I agree. :smiley:
While it may be a virus, if that is the case it is too late now.
Do damage control, check the runout/runoff for PH and high EC.

Slownickle would be proud… :joy:
A gypsum flush will reset the soil and make food available again.

Not critical, but neutral PH never hurts.
You definitely don’t want a real acid or a base mix, so if your 4.5 -7.5 you should be good.
4.5 sounds crazy right??
I would need to check my notes but I am pretty sure, some sprays work even better at 4.5.
I can not remember why.

Treat them with fertilome chelated iron. Mix hydrogen peroxide with the chelated iron and throw that in the soil. Foliar Spray once then after 5 days repeat, if you see no improvement.

It’s getting funny now, so many of the unhappy plants threads I visit I see giant plants going way too long in veg, everyone coming up with wild speculations and crazy remedies, and the same old charts,
while it’s simply too small soil volume. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Flip them to 12/12 light cycle when they’re the height of the pot.
That means yesterday. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

As above, so below.

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I believe I read someplace where a ph of 7 is good when spraying for PM. I’ll be spraying sulpher, so don’t need to worry about PM. Or so I’m told. Maybe that doesn’t apply to overstuffed 4x4s. Ordered 2 new $12 ph testers, while mine still works. Cheap ones lasted longer than the spendy Bluelab that’s broken.
Trust, but verify. Meaning calibrate BEFORE shit goes south. By the time I see it with my eye, I now have a problem to address.

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Looks like ph or magnesium. Give them some Epsom salts…can’t hurt.

Samples sent to the Farmer. Will know in a few days if it’s virus or not.

I’ll post up in here.


Foliar fed 4 times with Epsom no effect.

I grow trees…8Z - pound plants, my system has no issues with plant size, has absolutely nothing to do with plant size. Plants have already been flipped.

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Im gonna post in my Blissful thread the particulars and what i think is going on.

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For the record I suggested nitrate to green em up.




Posting now in my BLissful thread my observations and what i think is going on.

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I got ya…the foliars are doing nothing, doesnt matter what i use.


Hoping it’s not HLV. What EC are you feeding at currently? If it’s low I’d consider raising it (my small plants are at 2.5 and I’ve run higher). I’d also check runoff pH and EC if you can and go from there. Hopefully ya figure things out.

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Feed was 2x 2 weeks ago…foliar feed 5 or 6 times already. Not responding well.

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I think some people are missing they are in Octopots :roll_eyes:. Wish I am wrong but this is one of your leaves:

and this other with the viroid I found it here:

After watching your successful previous grows and being these in the same conditions I suspect about that disease, that test result is necessary before thinking in anything else, good luck … beer3|nullxnull