What's Eating My Leaves?

Thanks for the reply @vernal I’m gonna research miridae. First off I’ve alredy doused the entire garden in Dr bronners and Cayenne pepper so at least it smells nice. I put diamatomaceous earth (even tho I know youre not a fan) around each plant.
I have no moral objectives to some pesticides but I don’t know the ones you mention, perhaps they are US brand names and there is an equivelent in the UK.
But my bigger question is this: If I nukebomb the place will that also affect the microbial life in the soil as I’m not using normal ferts but growing in super soil.
Without wanting to ignite WW3 perhaps the organic growers would have a view.

Cayenne pepper does nothing to mites whatsoever. Soap might reduce the numbers through mechanical means but won’t eliminate the problem. Those aren’t brand names, they’re chemical names. Unsure what you have access to in the Motherland. I guarantee you have acaricides of some form available, you lot practically invented greenhouses lol.

Abamectin kills mites and insects, not microbes. You aren’t drenching the soil with it, just putting like a single mL into a couple liters of water and spraying your plants only.

It’s your plants, do what you feel is best. People ask for help fixing problems, I offer my real-world experience. That’s it.

EDIT: here’s a link, ya fog-breather! (I mean no disrespect, it’s just sorta fun to rag on our former colonial masters haha)


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It should be noted that magazine exists primarily to push AN products and Ed Rosenthal books. I’m fairly certain the people who write these articles don’t even grow weed; absolutely riddled with faulty information.

High Times is the same way. All of the grow mags, really.


Thanks @George I’ll consume that, Mrs Greenbhoy will have something to say i’d think and @vernal I’m reeling from you thinking I might be english.

FYI I’d rather stab myself in the eyes with a rusty speculum than be part of that particular genetic clown parade.

Je suis un Scotsman!

(If you’ve not encountered one they’re a totally superior humanoid to the chinless Hooray Henrys running this sceptic isle. We make good whiskey too.)


No but we all know this guy:

Simpsons' Character Groundskeeper Willie Calls for Scotland's ...

Now send me a case of Laphroaig I wanna savor the taste of smoldering bandages.