What's everybody sitting on pollen wise

Sounds like a plan, send me your info and I will send you the pollen…@Qtip

Pollinating a RedCherryBerry x Conspiracy Kush with a male of same strain:


Was the Conspiracy kush the male or female in your cross? I haven’t seen many crosses with Con K. Nice.

Stay Irie! :sunglasses::dash::desert_island:

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I did not make the original cross, I traded seeds with another member on this site who I assume made the cross. I am simply making a few seeds for personal use…

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Ah, okay. :ok_hand:t4: I saw Conspiracy Kush and was hoping you had some experience with it. Hope the cross turns out :fire:.

Stay Irie! :sunglasses::dash::desert_island:

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I also have some DJ Short blueberry pollen I would share with someone currently growing it.


I’ve got Blueberry by D.J. Short X Vortex F2 seeds. Just 3 actually. But have no idea when I’m gonna be able to run them. Whenever I do. Maybe you might have some of this pollen again by then and we could do something together @Oldjoints


I am sure I will be keeping it around. When you pop them let me know and we can share resources and get tons of it out to folks free…


Sounds great :+1: