What's Rasterman Growing?

I added a CMH this week and it pushed temperatures over 100°. Maybe to 106°, I don’t know. It fried everything in there. :hot_face::hot_face::hot_face: Edit: Nothing died but some leaves.

So now I set a timer for two hours and plug in the CMH. When I turned it off this morning, temperature was 96° and everyone looked happy.

Humidity was 20%! That’s pretty insane, but we have a cool weather pattern here during the late summer. It’s different every year, but during the afternoons, heat pushes air over the mountain I live on and I get flash thunderstorms. And hopefully some humidity.

Then the next morning what little rain fell evaporates and the humidity drops below 30% again. Maybe the afternoon humidity bumps are when weight gets put on. :thinking:


I’m starting to think about the winter crop. Much of it is going to be my Scorpion Candy seed run because there are several females involved. And this summer should take care of my stash needs for the winter. But I still have a few clones to test, and two of them have been selected for winter stash grow. The first one is Wedding Cake, courtesy my friend @beebud. Thanks, BeeBud! :pray:

The next one, Apple Fritter, my son won from that clone company in Colorado, shortly after moving from Colorado Springs to Michigan. He said it’s fire, so I’m pretty sure it’s :fire:.

This is my only copy of each clone. I’ll be vegging them for the next month unless I change my mind. I’ll take cuttings this weekend maybe.


My NGOPLE (#2, I guess) is becoming a real head-turner. Porn first.

She’s fully cloudy, but I have the feeling she’s not going to finish for awhile.

Grrrrr…why am I only allowed to upload one file at a time? Have I abused my upload privileges?

Her buds aren’t super stinky, but I smell menthol and caramel.


I looked for a suitable pests thread and couldn’t find one after about 20 long seconds of looking. I’m Rasterman and this is what I’m growing.

My mower blade clutch came untogether again and it was over a month before I had the $10 part to make a ten minute repair. In the meantime, these forbs became infested with aphids. I’m considering putting some of them on a cannabis plant. Because everyone calls aphids specialists but I think they generalize. I had some plants infested last year, and I don’t see how a “cannabis aphid” would be able to find my plant out here in the sticks. Where everyone is so far apart, outdoor grows are vanishingly rare, and it gets too cold at night for great yields.

On the other hand, I didn’t mow down the forbs around the house and there are a lot of aphids out there being tended by ants.

Nope, I won’t put them on a cannabis plant. I’m mowing today, and there will be a lot of wandering aphids out looking for food. They may find me.


Aphids are stupid. They should all just get bent. :+1:t3:


I think so too. They suck! :mosquito:

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This Texas Butter is going to put on a lot of weight!:rock:

What’s the difference? Mostly the greenhouse. It makes a helluva lot of difference having the actual sun. :sun_with_face::sunflower:


She’s looking awesome! @rasterman :fist:t3:


Thank you @NDNCHILD. Now to grow out more of them. :man_shrugging: :fire::fire::fire:


My third or fourth NGOPLE plant is finally done, I think. Look at her just now, on day 99. :partying_face:

As you recall she’s half Nam Kading landrace and half auto, so she should be fast. She looks ready to me on the outside. Her trichomes are mostly cloudy. There’s still a bit of clear and very rare amber, but I suspect she’s not getting any “doner.” I will probably cut her next weekend, unless something changes.

I added more :duck: duct tape to her scaffolding - she was basically just fallen-over like a tomato plant without a cage.

Edit: She’s put on quite a bit of weight lately, and has developed a ripe melon smell.


That NGOPLE is a great looking plant, with a cool back story! Looking forward to a smells/smoke report once she gets harvested and cured! Cool stuff man :+1::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

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Thanks, @firehead! You can count on it.

Texas Butter and Gelato Meat getting done.