What's Rasterman Growing?

Reduce recycle reuse! hahah. Good thinking

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Great news!

Do you remember the time that guy said he grew five Skunk #1 F4s and all five of them were male, and he was whining about the universe not being fair and acting like a little bitch? You don’t? Just scroll back a day or two.

So I was watering this plant and thought, “What strain is this?” I know, I should know everything I’m growing but I’ve been busy. So I looked on the label and it says Skunk #1 F4 from @BRMTreefarmer.

So “that guy” was wrong. I planted five seeds and got four males. Because this lady is a true lady! Still extant! :clap::raised_hands::grin::clap::partying_face::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::tada::birthday::clinking_glasses::tada::partying_face:


Yesterday I had mentioned that my Grape Stomper trichomes looked ready but she doesn’t, as she’s just barely going into senescence. But she’s 25% amber, which is well-beyond where I would normally chop.

I’ve had other plants finish early. Maybe because there are always flowering plants in the tent, their hormones speed up the other ladies just getting started - I don’t know. But there’s nothing I like less than CBN, so she had to come down.

I trimmed buds directly from the plant because all the branches were tied up. I think I’m going to net a little over two ounces once this dries.

Smells: Grape juice and rising dough like my mom used to make. I think after a decent cure it’s going to be really delicious smoke. I don’t really do great cures though, so we’ll see.

Edit: putting this bud on the dashboard of my pickup for testing tonight.

Edit: The smoke test proved I harvested a little too early. The amber trichomes were dark brown and not opaque. Now I’m thinking those aren’t amber and will ignore them next time.


I hate it when the fresh stuff is better than the cured. I’m always like damn, I should have smoked it all straight away. :laughing:


I usually do that anyway. I don’t pull a lot of yield and a lot of what I grow is speculation. I put buds in the freezer at about three months but haven’t needed to do that for a couple of years. :man_shrugging: So we’re usually done smoking around here by the time it would be cured. :grin:


I was taking some Mendocaine bud porn,

…when I realized that I don’t have a clone. And I’m discovering that having too many clones takes a lot of fun out of it and starts looking like work. So as I test the clones I have, I’ll be trying to self and toss them unless they really distinguish themselves in some way.

Anyway, I was going to wait for good amber coverage but sometime this week I’m going to chop her so I can start the revegging process before she gets the notion her life has ended. I’ve tried revegging a plant that was too far gone, and it was too far gone. :skull::wilted_flower::coffin: Don’t want that to happen to this strain! (See? - too many.)


Take her as long as you want she’s here. :cowboy_hat_face:
Wasn’t sure if you liked it enough to keep is why I asked earlier. Based on this I know to hang on.

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Thank you - I appreciate the offer! But I already jumped the gun:

But she was in the window. Fully cloudy (like solid quartz!) but no amber. Like she’s been for a few weeks already. But she looked done on the outside and I think she’ll be :fire:.


When I first tried it, it was very potent. (They tested this pheno at 25% THC.) But just like everything else, after smoking it a few days I had to switch. This is only my second harvest, and I really haven’t decided yet.


Looking forward to watching her show out for you @rasterman

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You and me both! :fire:

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I really like this Strawberry Cough clone. But it can be made to herm. Just let it flower for a month, then start revegging it. But don’t forget to leave it outside in the shorter days a couple of times accidentally so it gets good and confused.

It “rewards” you with this:


My Texas Butter has had a few weeks to become less :new: since chopping it the end of July.

It’s very potent, and it’s pretty hard to stand still right now. After smoking I went outside, paced, came inside, paced. Lots of energy.

I just thought you should know.

And here’s the other Texas Butter I also don’t have a clone of.

I had two, both in five gallon pots, and one of them grew staggered like a clone. So I assumed I took a clone of the other one. Then a week or so ago I found my post in this thread saying I had planted two seeds. Pretty sure they’re regulars, and they just both turned out female.

I’ll go take some cuttings from the lady in the picture above, just-in-case.


If those TXB came from me, they should be fems with a chance of meatballs. If they came from GP I do believe they were regs to start. Also with a chance of meatballs. :joy: It’s a nice smoke. Very smooth.


These are retail-I’m pretty sure, at least. If they’re those S2s, it’s fantastic and knocked it out of the park. :fire::fire:I’ll go dig into my seeds but I’m pretty sure I have a retail pack.


Sound pretty powerful.


Sounds like a flame thrower.


I dug into my seeds and I was sure I got them from a regular pack but it doesn’t exist and they’re both female. So I think it’s one of your S1s. But the first one didn’t herm and the second one is well into flower and hasn’t hermed either.


That’s good to hear! Hopefully there’ll be some more solid beans in the group! It’s a very nice smoke that I’d like to run again sometime. I have plenty of those beans.:+1:t3: I’m really happy you’re making such good use of those seeds. If something needs culled, that’s cool, at least it got a shot! But it looks like you find something decent every once in a while. :+1:t3::fist:t3:🪶🪶


The Texas Butter doesn’t grow that fast, and I had decided not to grow anymore, but then I tried the smoke and it’s very potent and provides a lot of energy so I’m going to continue exploring this strain.