What's Rasterman Growing?

These are two “Road Runner” plants that are starting to revege.


@rasterman them plants are looking great. Last purple strain I had was a purple kush. Didn’t grow it but sampled some and WOW. Since then I’ve had a few color up on me but they weren’t really designated purple plants.
I do have some gdp reg autos I need to run.

Great info on the purple triches. I may need that in the future because I plan on running some purple photos and autos.
@Magu 35 days. That’s gotta be some small but powerful stuff.


For sure. If you don’t know, you just don’t know. It certainly wasn’t obvious to me. :crazy_face:


I’m still looking for the Purple Canyon acrid diesel pheno, and @NDNCHILD gave me some F2s I guess I’d call them. A product of herm, they’re about 30% likely to herm themselves, at least so far. They’re 90% chance of being good smoke and 50% chance of being great. So I finally found space for the summer’s first and she went on 12s today.


I’m happy to see you’re still on the hunt. It’s really cool that you don’t mind going through some of my known herm seeds. I didn’t know what else to do with them but grow them myself over time. You’re right though, on all accounts! :joy: They do herm, there is definitely still good/great smoke to be found in them (that’s why I keep ‘em around) and your keeper may still be in there somewhere.
Thanks for taking some off my hands. It’s not always easy to give these types away and they always come with a “These fems throw balls” disclaimer! :joy:
Hope you find what you’re looking for. Let me know if ya need/want anymore. Nice to see you enjoy the ride along the way.:smiley: Nice lookin little plant ya got there too! :fist:t3:🪶🪶
P.S. Don’t sleep on those Purple Crash beans. Same deal but damn fine smoke. :+1:t3::v:t3::vulcan_salute:t3:


It’ll be worth it when I get that acrid diesel smell back. :truck:

Yeah but you know they’re just not worth growing if they can’t figure out how to make a few seeds. :rofl::rofl: I just watch them really closely.

I’ll grow them out eventually, but probably next year.


A few token beans from a potent girl is like a Christmas present. So what if I get a few seeds. Win win I think. Self pollination isnt all that bad.


Amen brother ! The universe will provide! :grin: :rainbow:


It’s awesome to meet the very significant minority on OG who are herm-neutral. :laughing::laughing::laughing:


My son won six clones and sent me copies of all of them. GMO is one. I haven’t been posting anything about it online, because I just about killed her by injudicious application of foliar nutrients a month ago. (That’s my fancy way of saying I did something stupid that I don’t want to give you the deets about.) :laughing::rofl::joy_cat:

Anyway, I was looking at her today and thinking, “You look like shit.” I scoped her, and she was 30% amber! Day 61?

So I chopped her.

Oh yeah, the best part! I sprayed her two weeks ago with a strong sulfur solution because of a PM scare. After chop, I submerged her in a soapy solution in the sink (just dish soap without other additives) and agitated her for a minute or so, gently. Edit: I also rinsed off the soap really well.

I dried out a big fat bud in the microwave :astonished::scream::scream::scream_cat:. That’s right, boys and girls. The microwave. I’m not proud of it. :laughing: No matches/gunpowder taste for the third mom tested.

It has become my most potent clone, I think. Time will tell whether it becomes my favorite.


I’m a huge Fan of Bahia Black Head.

I’ll admit it @rasterman, I’ve Fresh seeds en route ! Here are pics from a 2021 back-yard adventure


It’s a great strain but it runs long. :sloth::snail:


Southern Ontario and it just hit the 3rd week of October, with wild results. Last one that was Yanked in this location.
A Stress-free call, super solid grow.

Might try it inside. @FieldEffect is growing one now in the Solo Cup extravaganza… its already got him rubbing his hands…


That’s not bad. I had trouble with mine and eventually gave up after several months when it stalled again. I’ll try again next summer. :grin::evergreen_tree:


Those are gorgeous! I dig that caked on resin. I harvested mine early (after months) but it made good hash oil.


Nice plants!


Thanks, @Bert! :+1::+1:


My Mendocaine mom has been doing whatever the opposite of cooling her heels in the greenhouse is for a few weeks now. She was finally looking ready to flip and I have a couple of spaces, so I dragged her out and did some cleanup.

Cleaning up her lowers, I decided to wait a week or so to flip because she’s not much of a stretcher. There were a lot of branches to clean up. I ended up taking a bunch of cuttings - one for me and a few to toss. Maybe I’ll put the extras up for trade.

I’ll let her veg a little more and tie down and separate :bikini: her branches and she’s going to give me a ton of weed.


Yep, spread her out like a hot breakfast n she will produce a bunch. Nice plant.


Well Thanks for starting my Day just right @rasterman

Season is still Young…

Really appreciate you digging these out of your Past

Here is how I feel about you sending me a FEM VX1000. see below

As soon a CRIPPY gets here, they’ll be Wet