What's Rasterman Growing?

Awesome! I hope the VX-1000 is the loudest!


@MissinBissin I just got some seeds from you too - thank you!


Hey that’s great News.
Long Flowering strains @rasterman.

Brace-Yourself when the time comes;
Oaxacan will be the quickest I believe~ 18 weeks


My strategy for long runners is to stick them in a 7 gallon in the corner of the tent and pretend like they’re a permanent resident. That protects my delicate sanity.

I can’t wait to run these, but probably won’t get to pop them until Christmas. I’m running some Oaxacans outside right now, some Red Snake and some Pearl Stem. Great doobie weed. :smoking:

I think I’ll run the Squirrel Tail cross first…


I seeded this 7 gallon with a bunch of Decaying Alien Fruit, DAF, which is just a cross of @Cbizzle’s Northern Cheese Haze x Chem Candy males with a retail Mephisto Toofless Alien. It’s been in the greenhouse the whole time, but for the first couple of weeks it was pretty drafty and cold.

I kept the best four, and these are the two females.

Seeds are still sprouting though. I’m hoping to get some fire out of this.

One appears to be a slower pheno than the other one. And the tall one just put on an explosion of growth. So I don’t think the shorter one is going to do so well.

I’ll be putting some DG87 pollen on a branch just because the timing is perfect, but with all the recent crosses in the seeds’ past, anything could result. But still, free seeds are almost as good as free :beer::beers:.

Edit: Speaking of free seeds, I’ve noticed that crosses with the @Cbizzle stock is giving me much more vigorous plants than typical Mephisto - which I frequently stunt. If these seeds had been Mango Smile I’m sure they would have stunted for me. Yes, I’m aware that hybrid vigor is a thing. It’s just super cool to see.


That’s beautiful to hear. You are killing it with the autos! I really need to get back to an auto run. Oh and don’t worry, I stunted Mango Smile too. :hugs:


Yes, but I also didn’t stunt one only once. :sob::sob: It’s always been fire for me though.


Oh I agree, its really nice. Have you tried the Old School Mango Haze yet? I got a pack of that plus a cross that I need to get to.


No, but I plan to at some point because it’s supposed to be :fire:


I crossed a photo clone with some auto pollen last summer and tested out the seeds a couple of months ago. As you might remember, every seed I planted became an auto. So I’m growing these two ladies out to see how the smoke is and they’re almost ready! Fully cloudy, waiting on some amber but I’ll chop in a week anyway because family is coming to visit and wants to return with free herb.


I’ve also got these Mephisto Skywalker x Toof Decay moms at six weeks doing really well out in the greenhouse.


I’m going to reveal the mystery now. The clone I threw auto pollen on and all the seeds I popped were autos, is Mega Maid. Very bizarre.

Anyway, this pheno smells like Tang! I’ve never smelled that in cannabis before.

No pollen, no seeds. But now I have something to look for and maybe isolate in the future. The other female from that bunch smelled musty and old-school so it would be pheno hunt.


I joined a contest at Seedsman. They’re giving away ferts and a gift certificate. Thanks @Ace71975 for the info!


Glad to share the Info,its a really good giveaway, 180 bucks to spend on their site, PLUS stash blend, PLUS nutes! Had to share the info!


Well good luck. :four_leaf_clover::crossed_fingers: I hope you win!


I won the last one, So I hope you win brother!


I had this Mephisto Skywalker x Toof Decay in the greenhouse when my DG87 male autos started blooming. So I put her outside. I want a few seeds, just not a lot. Where she’s at I’ll still probably get too many, but hey, at least she gets to go outside and brave the cold nights. Actually lately I don’t think it’s gotten below 50.

This is my Decaying Alien Fruit.

It’s a terrible picture. The wind was blowing like crazy and I put my phone in manual mode at 1/2000. She’s having a bad hair day, but you should see her from the side. She’s finishing stretch and starting to make me some buds.

Something’s been really chowing down on their leaves. I’m not sure what, but I’m hoping it’ll provoke a smokable response from the plants.

See her siblings in the soil? They’ve been doing that since I planted them six weeks ago. They keep popping up, I keep pulling them. But I’ll leave these here for awhile and see what happens.


A little bit about stealth…

Can you see my weed?

How about now? Can you see it now?

I have to get this close before even getting suspicious, and I already know…


I can barely spot it even when I know it’s there.


Exactly! And the one in the raised bed won’t even look like cannabis when it’s flowering.

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